Chapter 2

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CHAPTER 2 - JANE “You don't need it. Just suck his d**k good. He's gonna be all over you,“ Rose yells out to her. She giggles and blows Rose a kiss as she gets closer to the stranger's table. It's fun watching June make her conquests over different men. She doesn't have a mate and she flaunts that fact anytime she gets the chance. And the little icing on the cake is that she's sexy and a tease. She knows how to get any guy to beg for her. “She's got him,“ Amira chuckles. We watch as June says something in the man's ears. He smirks and adjusts and she goes on her knees, her expert hands unbuckling his belt. “Is she seriously gonna suck his d**k in here?“ Ella gasps. Rose flashes her a scowl and fixes her gaze back on June, who already has the man's hard d**k in her hands. “Yuck, June. Don't be such a w***e!“ Ella spats. “Don't be such a prudish hypocrite,” Rose fires back. “I'm sure you go down on Ray all night,” “You didn't just go there, b***h,” Ella fumes, fisting her hands. “Cut it out, the both of you.” Amira reprimands them. ”Don't start your bickering here. Let's just watch June do her thing,“ As much as I wanted to vibe with them, I couldn't. I'm feeling suffocated and the knot in my heart still hasn't faded away. I only feel that way when something bad wants to happen. I'm worried about my daughter and I need to check on her. I turn to the girls with a convincing smile. “I need to use the restroom,“ I tell them. “Sure, don't stay too long. You might miss the climax,“ Rose winks at me. “I won't,” I smile at her, grab my purse, and head to the restroom. A few ladies troop out of the restroom and when I get inside, it's empty. I love the quietness and for a few seconds, I try to clear my head. I take out my phone and dial the home line. Someone picks up at the fourth ring. “Ma'am Jane?“ The familiar voice of Oliver's Nanny comes into the other line. “God, what took you so long? I was beginning to get worried,” I sigh. I'm a hopeless overthinker and it drives me nuts most times. “I'm sorry, Ma'am. I was just putting Oliver to bed,“ “She stayed up this late?” I gasp. “Yes, Ma'am. She didn't wanna sleep. She was waiting for you and her Father,” ”Where did Vishal go?“ I ask, ignoring how hard my heart is beginning to thump against my chest. “I'm not sure, Ma'am. But he said something about an intruder at the borders and he went to check it out with Alpha Scott and Alpha Nikolai,“ My heart slowed a beat. If Vishal is with Scott and Nikolai, then he's safe. The three of them are a ruthless force to reckon with. No one will want to mess with them. “What about Smith and Gina?“ I ask. “Did they go to bed yet?“ “I'm sorry, Ma'am. But Smith is still watching his favorite tv show. He won't turn it off, no matter how hard I tried to convince him to,” Oh, that's typical of Smith. For a seven-year-old, the boy emits a regal aura that makes anyone tremble. He's a cool kid but can be very stubborn and overbearing. Only Vishal knows how to put that nephew of his in his place. Even his father, Alpha Scott, gets tired of trying to put up with his rebellious acts. Ella is exhausted from his troubles and his constant fight with his kid sister. That's why she agreed to this night out. She needs to let out some steam. ”What about Gina?“ “She's asleep. She insisted on sleeping next to Oliver. Those two are so adorable,“ “Yes, they are,” I smile. Just like Ella and I, our daughters seem to be creating a sister bond that might just be stronger than any bond existing. I love watching them together, it makes me reminisce about those good old days with Ella. Back when we were younger. A thought hit my mind and I'm immediately nervous. I clear my throat, ”Uh, Tera. Did Vishal mention who the intruder is?” ”No, Ma'am. But it seems to be a feral werewolf. It sounded serious and they took a few warriors with them,“ My heart slammed with a deafening thud against my chest. Feral werewolves? What are they doing in this region? Is this the first time they are intruding on the pack or has this been going on and Vishal is keeping it from me? ”Uh, Ma'am. Is there anything else?“ “Huh? No. No. Thank you, Tera. And do look after the kids. We'll be back soon,“ “Yes, Ma'am.” Then the line ends. My palms are sweaty and I rub them together as I go into one of the cubicles. After peeing, I step out and go to wash my hands in the sink. My head is jumbled with thoughts and it has me trembling. Feral werewolves. Just like in my nightmares. Feral werewolves are a bit like rogues, but they are more unhinged, animalistic, and bloody. They live in the dark forests where pure werewolves should never set foot into. At first, I thought they were just a myth until I started having these nightmares where they capture me and drag me away to the feet of the man that scares me the most. And weeks later, we started picking up rumors about them attacking small packs and raiding the place, killing all the pack members, dismembering the Alpha, and f*****g the Luna to death. Those rumors have me more on edge. My anxiety is at an all-time high, and I freak out at the smallest things now. That's why I agreed with Rose's idea of going out. I need a distraction, but so far, it's not working. I'm not a bit distracted. Not even the slightest bit. I'm still sunk deep into my thoughts. I turn off the faucet and clean my hands with a towel. I look up at the mirror and gasp at the reflection of someone behind me. I paled. I couldn't move. Soon, my lips tear open and I'm yelling out the girls' names. ”Rose. Ella. Amira. June. Someone please help me!” I yell, just like in my nightmares.
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