1126 Words

CHAPTER 15 - JANE An uncomfortable silence stirs in the office as neither of us says a word to the other. I'm seated on one of the swivel chairs for visitors. I'm not a bit relaxed and I can't even figure out why. It's not my first time coming in here. But today, it feels like a first, and odd. Maybe because I had to lock the door, and how calmly he'd been, and how he'd smiled at me too. Maybe it was the aura swirling in the room, or maybe I was just overthinking things. I don't know. I'm just really uncomfortable. I wish I could just leave. It's even worse that he demands me but still has his gaze fixed on the files. He has not spoken a word after he asked me to sit. Now I'm wondering if that had been a mistake. Should I just excuse myself? Wouldn't that be rude? "Sir," I clear my thr

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