Chapter 5

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CHAPTER 5 – JANE “...You may now kiss the bride,“ The priest says and Nikolai pulls Amira into his arms, placing a deep kiss on her lips. We all stand and applaud the new couple. I hear an unending sniffling beside me and I turn my head to see who it is. Ella wipes her tears with a handkerchief but they keep falling. Her makeup is getting ruined but she just won't stop crying. "Psst," I tried to get her attention. She looks at me and I gesture at her face, "you're gonna ruin your makeup," "I know. I'm sorry. It's just…they make a beautiful couple," She sobs again. I smile at her sheer display of affection for the newlyweds. And yeah, they do look magnificent. Amira just raised the standards for future brides. It'll be hard to beat this record. Her choice of gold outfits and earthy decor is just superb. It feels surreal here, and the soft music she picked is just perfect. I swear I would be in tears too if I were half as emotional as Ella. "Just stuff your clutch into her throat, please. Can't take any more of her sobs," Rose sneers. She's standing beside me, and June is standing after her. I'm standing between Rose and Ella. Can't have both of them standing next to each other. It'll be a disaster. Our men are standing in different rows, but it still feels like Vishal is next to me. He hasn't taken his eyes off me since we walked into the building and took our seats. "Yeah, or gag her up. I don't know. It's just embarrassing sitting so close to her," June sighs. Again, I'm reminded of her see-through gold dress, with her low v-cut at the back. Her gold hair extension gives her the complete touch of a Vixen. She's been getting a lot of leers from the guys, and she loves the attention. Her haters are mostly females, and as most of them sneer and call her a slut, June isn't the least bothered. In her books, the word 'Slut' is a compliment. So she always flashes them a smile in return. "Gag your ass up, b***h," Ella retorts, noisily blowing her nose. That single act gets us a lot of stares. "Ella, c'mon. You gotta tune it down a bit," I mutter to her, flashing apologetic smiles to the lookers. "I'm trying, Jane," she dabs at her tears with the handkerchief. But I wish she didn't. That only got her mascara smudged on her face. "Try harder, and go get yourself fixed. You look like a scarecrow," Rose fires at her. "Shut up," Ella fires back. I rub her hand to stop her from saying any more words. "That's enough, Ella. But yeah, you should go fix your makeup. It's kind of hideous right now," I say, but in a calm, less blunt way. "Oh," She mouths and nods her head. The wedding ends and we head to the reception hall. This time, I get to sit next to Vishal. We are sharing a table with lovely Rose and Alpha Scott. Ella, Ray, and June are sharing the table next to ours. I would have loved to have June with me. That way, Ella gets saved from her taunts and low blows. The MC is addressing the crowd and we all have our attention on him. Not until something spills and a gasp follows. "Look what you did to my dress," June gasps, her hands hanging in the air as she stares horribly at her ruined dress. "I'm so sorry, Ma'am," The waitress quickly apologizes, bending down to wipe at the stain. June slaps her hand off and stands, "Don't touch me. You've done enough damage already. Just get lost," "I'm really sorry, Ma'am, " the waitress bows again and scurries away. "Now what do I do with this dress? Might as well just take it off," June mumbles as she grabs her purse and heads to the restroom wing. Ella has a full grin on her face. Ray has his gaze back to the MC. Alpha Scott never spared June a glance. Vishal has his eyes still on me. But then, Rose – She has a sly smile that says something is up. "Real smooth, June. Real f*****g smooth," Rose muses, returning her gaze to the MC. I'm confused for a second, but then I see one of the men who have been ogling June. He's holding a champagne glass and heading to the restroom wing too. And then I finally understood. "Geez, June," I sigh. f*****g a guy at one of her best friend's weddings is quite crass. And knowing she'd staged the whole 'spilling a drink on her' incident makes her quite a schemer. Not sure if I should cuss at her or applaud her. "Are you okay?" Vishal asks, rubbing my thighs softly. "Yes," I flash him a smile. He doesn't look convinced but he didn't push it. The event continued until it was time to throw the bouquet. "I'll be back. Need to use the restroom," I whisper to Vishal and head out of the hall. I find my way to the restroom and I bump into June at the door. She's with the guy and they are just coming out of the female restroom. "Don't say a word," She hushes me with a wink. I swallow my words and enter the restroom. It reeks of cums and squirts. Just how many rounds did they go? I take a pee in one of the empty cubicles and when I go to wash my hand in the sink, I refuse to look in the mirror. But then I feel a presence beside me and I turn with a gasp. "f**k, Vishal. You scared me," I pant, placing a hand on my chest. "Sorry. I was making sure you're alright," He says, rubbing his temples slightly, and then he returns his hand to his pocket. "You're exhausted, Vi. Quit worrying too much about me. It's not helping," "I can't seem to know how to relax anymore. All I want is to keep you safe," I smile and close the distance between us, kissing his lips. "And I love you for that," He grins and sneaks a hand around my waist, pulling me closer. "You know, we didn't get to finish what we started that morning," I laugh at his naughtiness and force myself out of his hold. "Not here, Vishal. I don't wanna be like June who f***s a guy at her friend's wedding," "Yeah, that's not right. But June doesn't seem to know what's right anymore," "Yeah," As much as I keep defending and making excuses for her actions, I still know the truth. June has changed. And it's not a good kind of change. "So I'll see you inside?" He says, gesturing at the door. "Yeah, I'll be there in a second," He nods and heads out of the restroom. I touch my makeup a little, adjust my dress and head out too. I walk into the reception hall but I'm met with dead silence. My eyes widened in horror at the empty hall. It was filled to the brim just a minute ago. Where did everyone go? "Vishal? Amira? Where are you guys?" I get no response. Was this a prank on me? If it is, then they better stop now because it's beginning to freak me out. Footstep clicking against the tiled floor gets me spinning around. "I knew it was a prank…" My voice disappears as I gawk at the owner of the footstep. "Hello, little mate. It's been a while."
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