Chapter 19. Allegra

2703 Words

Allegra I woke alone in Conall's bed with the sun streaming in the window. I wasn't sure how I got there, but I was thankful just to be alive. Werewolves healed fast, but it wasn't always easy. My head was pounding painfully, my shoulder was stiff, and I ached everywhere. I needed pain killers and answers, in that order. Swinging my feet over the side of the bed, I sat up and clutched the edge of the mattress, willing the room to stop spinning. Eventually, I found my equilibrium and slowly got to my feet, carefully testing my legs. It hurt, but I felt strong enough to shuffle into the bathroom. I raided the medicine cabinet, knowing I'd find what I needed in there. The young warriors liked to use the pool house as their bachelor pad, and even a werewolf could get a hangover with enough

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