Chapter 6. Conall

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Conall I had been eagerly anticipating Allegra's visit all week. I'd tried to find out as much as I could about her, but it seemed as though she was as protective of her privacy as she was her pack. I couldn't find any photos, and the only mention of her was a brief opinion on her exceptional fighting skills which, the writer felt necessary to point out, was not entirely appropriate for a she-wolf. Nothing could have prepared me for the goddess that entered the room smelling of night-blooming jasmine and some intoxicating exotic musk. Her raven black hair curled in a riot around a dark, serious face. Amber eyes regarded me with a mixture of open lust and a touch of disappointment. Her grey pantsuit hugged her curves, and the white silky blouse was cut low enough to reveal the tops of her generous breasts. Her full pouty lips were painted a dark red, and they parted on a sigh, turning my thoughts to where I'd like to have that mouth pressed, and other, more fascinating ways I could make her sigh. The blood was roaring in my ears so loudly that I barely heard Ethan suggest putting the meeting on hold. When Allegra looked away from me, I felt the loss of her attention like a physical ache. “With all due respect, Alpha Ethan, this really changes very little about why we are here.” I couldn't help the flinch at her words and the cool tone with which she spoke them. At twenty-nine years old, I had hoped the Goddess had taken pity on me and not given me a mate who would almost certainly reject me. Hearing Allegra's beautiful, yet reserved voice was a reminder that she, more than most, knew how valuable strength was in our society. Just like my father, I imagined she would have no patience for anyone she saw as weak. I tried to focus on the conversation, impressed with Allegra's ability to treat Ethan like her equal rather than someone who outranked her. She even growled at him when he made a vague reference to merging our packs together. She was absolutely fearless and I was already slightly in awe of her. “Right here,” Micah smiled at Ethan and I tried to pick up the thread of conversation again. “She just hasn't come of age yet.” He's suggesting she's their next Alpha? I thought to myself as a slow smile spread. Interesting. “How long until you turn twenty-five?” I asked, trying to calculate how much time we had to make sense of this new turn of events. The smell of her arousal at my words was almost overpowering, however, and I almost missed Micah's answer as I growled low in my throat. Ethan and Micah weren't threats, but Kayden was still unmated and I could tell her scent was intriguing him. “I won't touch your mate,” he said through our mind link. “Though I'm not sure if I pity you or envy you.” I'm not stupid, far from it actually. I know that females who have taken on the Alpha role in our recent history, in our territory at least, have all lost their minds and turned rogue. For months now, I've been looking into the phenomenon, trying to make sense of it. I'd had a theory that maybe a virus had struck that affected females when they opened their minds to their packs in the way an Alpha did, but there was no proof of anything like that. There was proof, however, of successful female Alphas in other areas of the world. So why not here? Nomi burst into the room, ruffling my hair like she's done since we were kids. I started to roll my eyes at her, but stopped in surprise when I heard a low warning growl coming from Allegra. She-wolves could be just as possessive of their mates as males, but there was something in her growl that seemed more intense somehow. “I hope you'll both stay and join us for dinner,” Nomi said, quickly understanding what was happening between Allegra and I. Goddess bless my sister, and double blessings on Allegra's brother, who quickly talked over the top of his sister as she tried to decline Nomi's invitation. It was plain to see that Allegra wasn't comfortable being away from her pack for so long, but I was going to need some time with her to try to convince her not to reject me on the spot. Ethan and Kayden stood, followed by Allegra and Micah. I knew there was no way I could delay the moment, it's not like I could pretend everything was fine. If she decided to reject me, I would just have to find a way to accept it. With a small sigh, I pushed my wheelchair away from the table. Allegra gasped in shock, but quickly got herself under control as my friends and sister glared at her. “Give her a break,” I linked them. “She didn't know, and at least she's not running for the hills.” “Why don't you all go ahead,” I said out loud. “My mate has some questions.” I waited until the others had filed out of the room, the door gently closing behind them with a click signaling the two of us were now alone, before rolling over to the bar. “Can I offer you a drink?” I asked, grabbing a decanter of whiskey and two glasses without waiting for her answer. Bringing them back to the table, I poured a generous amount of the clear amber liquid, taking a moment to appreciate that it was the same rich hue as her stunning eyes, before handing her the glass. I knew that if I couldn't convince her not to reject me here and now, the liquor would always remind me of what could have been. “I don't want this,” she said so quietly I wasn't sure I'd really heard her. “There are other choices,” I said, deliberately ignoring the true meaning behind her words. “Bourbon, tequila, there's probably even some absinthe left.” She took a long sip of the drink, composing herself, wincing a little as the alcohol burned down her throat. “Not the drink, id*ot. I mean you! Us! This! I don't need this. I need an Alpha, not some weak, crippled Gamma!” she spat out, immediately looking like she regretted the words. There was no denying her words stung, but it was nothing I hadn't heard before. I'd been called much worse by people that knew me better than she did. I was too used to being underestimated to let the hurt show on my face. I calmly sipped my whiskey, studying her over the rim of my glass. “I'll make you a deal,” I said at last, making up my mind. “Give me eleven months before you decide to reject me.” She sucked in a breath at the idea of rejecting me, giving me hope that all was not yet lost. “Why would it be any better eleven months from now? Wouldn't that just hurt more?” her voice was shaky as she asked the questions. Rejection of a fated mate was not something to take lightly and I was happy she hadn't insisted on getting it over with. “Because in eleven months, we will find out if your brother is correct and you are an Alpha in your own right. At that time, you can mark me as you Luna... or not,” I added in a small whisper, the pain and fear of her rejecting me lancing through my heart. “And if you are not Alpha of Black River,” I continued in a stronger voice, “perhaps being the mate of a Gamma would be a small consolation. Even a crippled one.” “And I suppose you expect me to be celibate during that time?” she scoffed, making me fight the urge to laugh. “No, I'm sure you have someone who's been... keeping you occupied,” I was proud that I'd managed to keep most of the possessive growl out of my voice. “And I know Inga will be more than happy to continue our liaisons if you're not interested.” Her eyes instantly flashed with her temper. If I hadn't already been hard, I would have been instantly at full mast. She looked like an avenging angel. “Who the f*ck is this Inga?” she roared. “I will rip her in half and wear her like a hat! You are MINE!” I chuckled as she narrowed her eyes at me. Her outrage and claiming me as belonging to her told me all I needed to know. “Don't worry, mo gra, there is no Inga.” She huffed out a breath, annoyed that I'd tricked her into claiming me. Her eyes slowly drifted over me, and I could clearly see the hunger in her gaze, despite the questions she must still be thinking. She slowly sank into a chair facing me. “If there were, though, could you? I mean, not to be indelicate, but... umm...” she trailed off, the pink glow in her cheeks deepening with a pretty blush. My answering smile was slow and dangerous. “I've been hard since you walked in that door,” I said, my voice husky with need. “I assure you, all the important parts are in working order.”
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