“Was she always like this?” Caitlin asked Lily. Lily shook her head. “No. It’s only since she met him. He’s a real jerk, too, if you ask me. Full of himself.” Caitlin sensed that Lily was right. That Polly was under the spell of a guy who was wrong for her. She remembered all the times she’d had to watch her girlfriends date guys who were jerks, and their friends were too clouded to see it. It was painful for her to have to watch them go through that, especially when there was nothing she could do about it. Whenever she tried to help them, give them advice, they didn’t want to listen, and inevitably, it just seemed to backfire on their friendship. “That’s not the Polly I know,” Caitlin said. “Me either,” Lily said. Caitlin sighed as Lily took her arm, and the two of them continued wal