
479 Words
~Christa~ From the first moment I see him, he makes my knees go weak, and I decide to make the first move. He is a couple of years older than me, and I don’t know what my parents are going to think about our age difference, but he is so damn handsome, I can’t resist him! Watching my friend walking over the school square with the letter and photograph, I feel butterflies jumping around my tummy, and I’m so nervous I almost want to puke! What if he is out of my league! He is one of the coolest guys in school, after all… Oh, hell, I shouldn’t have done this!! He smiles sweetly at Madeleine, taking the letter from her. F*ck, well, now it’s too late! I shouldn’t have put that damn picture in there!! I start looking for a quick exit, but thanks to my best friend… She points her finger right at me, and I see a huge grin forming on his face. She giggles and comes walking back… I’m dead. Christa: “Oh, mother earth, just open up and swallow me, please!” I can’t move, frozen in place, looking at his gorgeous smile while he opens the letter and the picture drops out. He isn’t paying any attention to his friends around him, and he reads the letter. This seemed like such a damn good idea last night, but at the moment I just want to become a puddle and melt away… Disappear into the ground, never to return. He picks up the picture, looks up at me, folds up the picture inside the letter, putting it in his back pocket. What he must think of me! I’m a junior! He is a senior! What the hell was I thinking?! I will tell you what I was thinking… “Hi, My name is Christa, and I like you. If you like me, come and visit me. I live at…” Oh, f@ck! What if he really comes to visit me? What’s my dad going to say? The bell rings, indicating the end of recess, and finally, my body jumps back into action. The next three periods I can’t concentrate on anything other than what I’m going to do if he does arrive, finally convincing myself that he is way above my league and probably thinks I’m just a silly little girl with a crush. Walking down the passage to last period, talking to one of the girls in my class, I don’t see him walking my way until his strong arms grab hold of mine and stop me in my tracks. Blake: “Hi, Christa, is seven okay?” I’m dumbfounded and can’t find words… I’d forgotten how to speak and just nodded my head. Blake: “Cool, I’ll pick you up at seven tonight.” He winks at me, and I almost faint.
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