Chapter 63: Sarn

1141 Words

"Do you like it?" Sierra looks so hopeful but I downplay how wonderful it is. I finish chewing and take a long drink of water before answering. "It's good." Her lips purse slightly and I try again, "It's really good." Now her smile lights up her face. "I'm glad. My other mother, Amy, taught me this recipe and I've always loved it." "Other mother?" I ask before I can stop myself. I shouldn't be encouraging conversation. I need to maintain a mental distance from what she is obviously offering. I'm not an i***t and her wanting to be friends is a ruse. She desires me as much as I desire her. "My birth mother was killed a few weeks after she gave birth to my brother and me. Marcus, the liege of the Southwest Clan, and his mate, Amy, raised me and my brother for a few years. When my father

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