Chapter 3: Young Witches

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Cionna POV Temple of the Nine Coven As I kneel in front of the large cherry blossom tree suspended in full bloom, my mind finds peace in the emptiness. The only sounds around me are the wind chimes and birds in the garden of the temple. I am one of many young witches present today giving offerings to Asteria in thanks and dedication. The silence continues until a low vibration washes over the crowd. In unison, I rise with my sisters as we end the prayer and offering. Slowly the crowd begins to disperse as different disciplines gather to work on their craft. I search the temple doors to see if the Elder witches are out to get their students yet. I spot Elder Sister Gwen and make a beeline for her before she's occupied. I reach her in time with another witch and we both annoyingly nod at each other. “Sister." “Sister." “Please girls, save your manners. I'm almost too impressed." Sister Gwen chides us. Nudging me to the side, the girl steps closer to Sister Gwen and puts forth her needs. “Elder Sister, I would like to ask for your help with my weather work. I don't feel comfortable yet doing it on my own." She reveals. I bump her with my hip and nod to Sister Gwen before chiming in. “Elder Sister, I want to discuss a serious matter with you. It's about my parents. If you'll give me just a moment. I promise I won't keep you from helping her." I plead. “Nina, Go to the gallery. I will meet you and any others with a similar struggle there. I won't be long." Sister Gwen stated. Nina turned to me with malice in her eyes but tipped a small bow to our Elder witch before leaving us. I cracked a small smile in victory but looked away after spotting the raised eyebrow of Sister Gwen. She tilted her head in the opposite direction of the gallery inviting me to walk with her. Respectively, I followed at her side, careful not to walk too fast for her. “Cionna, You mustn't antagonize your sisters. Spite and jealousy are dangerous poisons among our kind. Our protection and safety lie in our unity as a coven. I know for a fact your mother taught you that." “Aunt Gwen, I know the Coven bylaws by heart, but this is important." Immediately, she glared at my casual address. Everyone knew she was my aunt, but she wasn't allowed to show favoritism. There were many families in our coven. Some that went back to its founding and a strict rule even then was that one must always address their sisters with respect and their title. It helped to prevent mutiny and inter-coven attacks. I quickly corrected myself before speaking again. “I'm sorry Elder Sister. I've had a lot on my mind lately." “It's forgiven. What is it that you wanted to discuss with me Cion?" I come to a stop and turn to her slowly. I struggle to find the words for what i want to ask and decide to be direct. “I need your help with the revival spell!" I manage to spit out. My aunt's face twisted in response. I shirk away as I prepare for the scream, but it never comes. Instead, she takes a deep breath and focuses on me. She searches my eyes deeply and looks me up and down as if inspecting me. The crawling feeling of her eyes on me was uncomfortable. “Do you understand the full weight of that request little witch? I understand why you asked, but do YOU understand your own request?" “Elder Witch Gwenyth, my parents died at the hands of the beast I will never have the strength to kill, but I am strong enough to bring them back and keep them here if I split my soul with them. I've read the texts, I'll be twenty-one in two months. I already meet the requirements, I just need an extra power source." I claim with desperation. Aunt Gwen closes her eyes and huffs a frustrated sigh. Walking away from me, she takes a seat on the stone bench nearby. We were in the conservatory surrounded by a mass of plants and flora. It was full of vibrant colors and butterflies gliding overhead. My mother had called it Eden because it was a natural beauty in a world of concrete. I took a seat next to my aunt and waited anxiously for her to speak. She was the only person I could ask. The other elder witches would reject me outright. I had hoped that Aunt Gwen would help me because my mother was her sister. She had to miss her as much as I did. It felt as if a millennia had passed before she said anything. “Cionna, I miss Dalia as much as you do, but what you're asking....I have to think about it. If anything were to happen to you, and Goddess forbid I helped in harming you in any way. My sister makes me regret in this life and every other after it." “Aunty Gwen, I need them. I need mom. I accept my share of her wrath when we succeed, but at least she'd be here with us." I add. Aunt Gwen chuckles at my words. She taps my thigh softly and takes my hands in hers. “Cion, I promise to think about it, but in the meantime I want you to promise me that you'll try to live your life without them. Try something different before your birthday." Without another word, she kissed the top of my head and left the conservatory. I slouched on the bench and felt my body get heavy. The last thing I needed was another you're only young once lecture. As if on cue, the phone buzzed. I fished it out of my dress pocket and see Alexis' name lit up on my screen. I force myself to shake off the depression creeping up on me as I slide the call button over. “Hey, Lex. Now's not really a good time. I-" “I just got invited to the Gamma Phi Beta Lingerie Party this Saturday! Get your panties ready because I am dragging your a*s out of the dorm." She squeals. “Lex, you know I don't do parties, and –" “Blah, blah, blah. You are going or so help me Cionna Skylar Baye I will drag you there naked." She threatens. Stomping my foot on the other side of the phone, I groan. “F*cking universe. Fine, but I'm not dancing." “Yes! I'll meet you in the room later so we can turn you into a sexy goddess." “Whatever, bye" I snark at her. I end the call quickly and muster up the energy to leave the conservatory and go to the training with Elder Witch Gale. I had a long day ahead, and now an even longer night. I leave my discussion with my aunt with the plants inside as I make my exit. My final thought was heard only in my heart. 'I am so tired of being weak.'
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