Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 Here comes Frazier Gloria I kept my promise to Dylan, shielding him from Maurice, but it’s proving difficult. I left one night with Dylan, hoping someone understood, but that decision would prove futile. I packed two bags with Maurice, passed out from another binge. I left with Dylan, drove until I found a diner, and pulled into the parking lot. I unbuckled Dylan and carried him into the restaurant. I sat down in a booth with Dylan. A server brought me something to drink, and I grabbed some cereal for Dylan. I sat there, figuring what I would say to Carri. While I pondered, Dylan grabbed a newspaper on the table. I took the newspaper from Dylan as something caught my eye. I opened it to see a marriage announcement of Carrington Jones and Nikita Petrova. I stared at the paper as my heart sank. I set the paper down and sat there as Dylan ate his cereal. Carri got married? I looked at Dylan while he ate and realized my idea wouldn’t work. I made a choice, and I can’t blame Carri for finding happiness. “It looks like it’s you and me, Dylan. I’m sorry.” Dylan smiled. He even had his father’s smile. I finished my drink, paid, and left the diner. I drove home with Dylan as he fell asleep in his car seat. It doesn't matter what happened to me now. The only thing that mattered was protecting Dylan. I returned to find Maurice waiting for us. “Gloria.” “Maurice, it’s over unless you quit drinking. You lay one hand on Dylan, and I will kill you.” It’s stupid, but I had nothing to lose now. Maurice furrowed his brows at me. “I mean it, Maurice. You will not harm Dylan.” I went upstairs to put Dylan to bed. It’s time to fight back, but it won't last. With someone like Maurice, he changes his way briefly, then slips back to his old ways. I would find this out as Dylan grew up. I didn’t realize it, but Dylan will carry my burden. All I could do was to protect him. ***** As Dylan got older, I saw things in him that I couldn’t imagine. He turned out to be kind and loving. Dylan enjoyed a good prank, pitting him against his cousins. We attended a barbecue at Maurice’s family’s house, and Dylan pulled a prank on the other boys. It turned ugly as the other boys pounced on Dylan. I came out of the house, seeing Maurice not intervening as his brothers egged on their children. “Stop it!” I ran over and pulled the boys off my boy. “Gloria!” Maurice said. My head snapped in Maurice’s direction. “No! Dylan is smaller, and you did nothing!” Maurice took a step towards us. “Don’t! You come near Dylan, and I will hit you with something!” Everyone stopped. I didn’t care if it pissed off his family. I refused to let Maurice hurt Dylan and turned to Dylan. “Let’s take you home.” Dylan nodded as I wrapped my arm around him. I walked him to the car as Maurice glared at me. Glare all you want, but it doesn’t matter. I took Dylan home, cleaned him up, and put a bandage over his eye. “Dylan….” “Mom, I hate my cousins.” Dylan furrowed his brows as his emerald-green eyes gazed at me. “Hunny, I understand, but we don’t have a choice.” “They’re boring and would rather fight. I don’t like my cousins because they don’t have a sense of humor.” I couldn’t disagree. “Promise me that you won’t instigate issues.” “I make no promises, Mom.” Dylan put up his hand. I don’t know what I’ll do with this child. I’ll deal with Maurice later. ***** Frazier Mom patched me up because my cousins were jerks. Every time I go around my cousins, they jump me. So, I got even with them. I swear the idiots don’t have a sense of humor. As always, my dad did nothing, and I hated him. I’m only six, but one day, I will protect my mom. She deserves it. The door slammed as my parents started arguing. Great, Dad’s home. I heard footsteps, followed by noise, and hid in the spot that Mom showed me. I sat there, hearing my bedroom door open. “Where is that little s**t?” “You’re not touching Dylan!” I placed my hands over my ears and closed my eyes. There were crashing sounds and stuff breaking. Mom and Dad fought as I hid. Then it became silent. I opened my door to Mom on the floor and rushed to her. “Mom!” “It’s okay, Dylan. Get me a washcloth, Hunny.” I did as she said. The water ran in the bathroom as I gave her the washcloth, and she took it and cleaned off the blood. “Everything will be okay.” I furrowed my brows. “Dad hurt you.” Mom set the washcloth down and crouched in front of me. “I know, baby, but I promise to protect you. And that’s what I’m doing.” “But he’s hurting you.” “Because it’s what happens when you protect someone you love. I love you unconditionally, Dylan. It’s you and me against the world. If we must fight, we fight, but only to protect the ones that we love. Promise me that you will hurt no one intentionally.” “I promise.” “Never pick up your hand to a woman or hurt someone weaker than you. No matter what the person does, never let them make you mean. You’re too good for that.” Even though I was only six, I understood my mom. “One day, you won’t have to protect me because I will protect you.” She raised her brows. “It’s us against the world.” I gave Mom a cheeky grin. Mom smiled. “Yes, it’s us against the world.” I might not have friends, but I have my first friend, and I call her Mom. I hugged her because she needed a hug. I also decided that I hated the name Dylan since it reminds me of bad times, and I preferred Frazier because it sounded cooler. “Can I ask one favor?” “What’s that?” “Can you call me Frazier?” “But I like the name, Dylan.” “I don’t.” I got a glance from Mom and shrugged. “I’ll make you a deal. I will call you Dylan when it’s serious. But other times, I’ll call you Frazier.” “Deal.” I grinned. Mom chuckled. It was even better that I got her to laugh. Humor makes everything better, even with the tough times. My father's a jerk who didn’t have a sense of humor — no wonder he’s miserable. Something told me this was the beginning of what was to come for me. I didn’t realize that the truth would come out, setting events into motion. It’ll escalate my hatred for my dad.
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