Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 Choices Gloria We all make choices in our lives. Some decisions are good, and some are bad. I didn’t need Maurice knowing about Carri or Mateo telling him, even though Mateo didn’t know about Carri. Carri was returning today, but I couldn’t let him see me in my current state. I wrote a note, dropping it off at his place before returning. Maurice would still be passed out from last night, and I returned before he woke. I stood at the stove and cooked breakfast, feeling numb. My face swelled, and I wasn’t sure if Maurice had broken my nose. I stared at the pan on the stove, hearing that familiar sound. “Morning, Gloria.” Maurice groaned and lumbered towards me. He kissed my cheek as I stood there, emotionless. “Baby, I don’t like getting angry with you.” I said nothing. “I expect you to clean the house before I return.” I turned off the stove, dished food onto a plate, and handed it to him. Maurice took the plate from me, then sat down at the table. I refused to cry, giving him the satisfaction of my tears because he didn’t deserve my tears. I stared out of the kitchen window as Maurice ate his breakfast and rambled. I said a few words here and there, but I didn’t bother to engage in a discussion. He got up, put his empty plate in the sink, then took a shower. I cleaned up the kitchen, hearing Maurice’s footsteps, then the front door. Once it closed, I cried. I wanted Carri to hold me and tell me everything would be okay, and one day, he would. ***** Carrington We returned, and I found an envelope attached to the front door with my name on it. I took it and shoved it into my pocket. “What’s that?” Joseph asked. “It’s probably a note from a classmate about an assignment I missed while we were away. I’ll read it later.” We entered the house, and I hurried upstairs. After setting my bag down, I opened the envelope. Carri Let’s cool it for a while. I realize you were hoping to see me tonight, but there are some things I need to take care of here, and I don’t want to drag you into any issues. Once I handle things, we will meet. Please understand. Love Gloria I looked at the note, perplexed. I didn’t know where Gloria lived to speak to her, so I’ll visit her at work tomorrow. I folded the letter and packed it away. Hopefully, everything is okay. ***** Gloria I phoned work, explaining I was sick. My boss told me to call when I was better. I couldn’t let anyone see me until the swelling subsided and the bruises faded because I didn’t need the questions. I cleaned the house from top to bottom as my face throbbed. It took me all day, but I finished. I waited for Maurice to come home, and he did, drunk. He stumbled to the recliner, plopped down, and passed out. I climbed the stairs to take a bath. After filling the tub, I climbed in and laid back. I thought about everything. People say if you’re not happy, don’t cheat, leave. If your spouse hits you, go. Everyone thinks it’s simple when it’s not when someone threatens your life. Out of the Frazier family, Mateo frightened me the most. Maurice has a temper, but Mateo is the type to keep his word. He has the personality of a rattlesnake. Tears fell down my cheeks as my happiness slipped from my grasp. Carri made me happy, and someone wanted to rip it from me. When I was with him, I felt alive. I laughed more. Now it was disappearing. I got out of the tub, dried off, and put on some clothes. I walked into the bedroom, crawled into bed, curled into a fetal position, and cried myself to sleep. ***** Carrington After class the next day, I visited the coffee shop to see Gloria. I walked in, not seeing her, and I stood in line until I reached the counter. “Can I help you?” An employee asked. “Is Gloria working?” “No, Gloria called and said she was sick.” “Do you know how long she’ll be out?” The person shrugged. I asked no more questions and ordered a beverage so that I didn’t draw attention to myself. As I stood there, someone asked, “What do we have here?” My left eye twitched, hearing that voice. The employee handed my drink to me, and I paid for it, then turned to see Marco and his i***t cronies standing there. They walked over to me. “It’s surprising to see you here since you don’t drink coffee,” Marco said. “Because it’s hot cocoa, considering this place serves many beverages.” I took a sip of my drink. “Do you expect me to believe that?” “I don’t give a s**t what you believe and don’t answer to your stupid ass.” Marco glared at me. “Typical Frazier boy, who doesn’t use his brain. Oh, wait, you don’t have one.” Marco got into my face as I looked at him. I could easily wipe the floor with him, as I have done so many times. “Well, well, well. Marco Frazier.” Brian Morgan entered the coffeehouse with two people that I didn’t recognize. Marco looked at Brian as they walked towards us. “Morgan, this has nothing to do with you.” “That’s where you’re wrong. It has everything to do with me, considering your family intercepted goods belonging to my family. My old man sent me to collect what belonged to us. You remember him?” Brian leaned into Marco. “A boss that your family pissed off.” Brian leaned back and smiled. Marco hightailed it out of the coffeehouse. I find it hilarious to watch a Frazier boy trip over himself. I chuckled and looked at Brian. “I’m sure that it will interest Mason about this new development,” I said. “It would be if there were a new development, but there isn’t one. I enjoy watching the Frazier family squirm.” Brian chuckled. I shook my head as we left the coffeehouse. “I’m guessing you didn’t come here for the coffee.” I gave him a suspicious expression. “Relax, Carri. I’m not getting in the middle of a family business since it’s not my place. But I will warn you these things never end well for anyone.” Brian and I were close to the same age, and Brian wasn’t the poster child for good behavior. “Be careful. The truth has a way of rearing its ugly head.” Brian walked away with his friends or associates. You can never tell with that family who the people were to them. People think I should end my relationship with Gloria, but I love her. When I got a chance, I would talk to her because something was going on with her, and I would find out what it was.
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