Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 A secret affair Carrington I didn’t tell anybody about my night with Gloria because it wasn’t any of their business. I kept up pretenses concerning Gloria since Joseph and Christine would become suspicious, so I created an excuse that I was studying for my courses. I made sure I left the house every night with my books. I strolled to the coffeehouse, and we would leave and drive to the same motel. I paid cash for the room. The minute we arrived at the room, we stripped off our clothes and had incredible s*x. I sat in the bed as Gloria straddled me and rocked her hips backward and forth. I thrust inside of her repeatedly. We were like jackrabbits and couldn’t get enough of each other. As the bed squeaked and our moans increased, we moved faster until we found our release. We collapsed onto the bed, breathing hard. I laid on my back as Gloria moved over to me and kissed my chest. I removed the protection and tossed it into the trash can. She settled on my chest as I ran my fingers through her hair. “It’s nice,” Gloria said. “What is?” “Being here with you and not dealing with anyone.” I grinned. “I’m considering taking summer courses and staying here while my siblings return home. Joseph is graduating, and Christine is going home for the summer. It would leave me alone in the rental house and give us a place to be together and not go to a motel.” Gloria grinned. “Maurice is working with his brothers more, and they send him away constantly. I’ll say I picked up hours at the coffeehouse.” “I don’t feel guilty about what we’re doing.” “Neither do I.” I flipped Gloria onto her stomach, crawled behind her, replaced the protection, and knelt behind her. I yanked her hips to me and entered her, then thrust. I pinned Gloria to the bed and showed her that she belonged to me as I claimed her. As I thrust, I spoke in a husky voice. “You belong to me. You’re mine.” She moaned as I continued to claim her and her body. “Say you’re mine,” I growled. “I’m yours.” She groaned. I continued until we both exploded. I pulled out of Gloria and sat back on my knees as Gloria struggled to catch her breath. She rolled over and studied me. “You’re mine, Gloria. Your body is mine. Only I can have s*x with you. I don’t want anyone to touch you how I do.” I grazed her body. I didn’t want anyone to touch Gloria, not even Maurice, because he didn’t deserve her. She sat up and draped her arms around my neck. “Carri, you’re the one I prefer to touch me. When I’m with you, you cherish me. Since we started this, I refused to let Maurice touch me. Knowing Maurice, he’s screwing some poor unsuspecting girl.” “That doesn’t bother you?” “No, then he leaves me alone, and I can be with you.” I laughed, yanked her to me, and made love to her again. While I was doing unholy things to Gloria, she was right. Maurice wasn’t the Boy Scout or faithful husband he claimed to be. ***** 3rd person Maurice had a woman bent over the office desk at his brother’s company and f****d her. The Fraziers, Santiagos, Morgans, and even the Jones were less than faithful to their women. The families were also less than honest with business. You must wonder how many of them were loyal to someone. Mason was a prime example of faithfulness, as was Joseph. Charles and Carrington, not so much. Charles cheated on his wife, and Carrington was cheating with someone’s wife. When you’re having s*x with someone, logic flies out the window. Maurice finished and fixed his pants as the woman yanked down her skirt and buttoned up her blouse. She fled the office as Mateo showed up, looking annoyed. “If you want to f**k a woman, take them to your house,” Mateo said. “A guy has needs.” “Then f**k your wife. Or do you spend too much time as a drunk?” If anyone knew the Frazier family, Mateo had the shortest fuse, and Marty was the oldest. Then you had Mateo, Maurice, Marco, Maximilian, and Mickey. They’re equally a pain in the ass and all idiots. I’m confident they will pass the i***t gene onto their offspring, considering they can’t keep their d***s in their pants. Some brothers had bastard kids with the women they screwed. If the wives mentioned the kids, their wives got met with a hand. Violence ran rampant in their household, and the Fraziers were certifiably insane. “Why don’t you go have another bastard child, Mateo?” Maurice asked. Mateo glared at his brother. Marty stepped into the office, smacked Maurice, and squatted down at the desk. “Shut the f**k up, Maurice. It’s not like you don’t have a couple of bastard children running loose. If I find you screwing another one of your w****s in my office, I’ll cut off your dick.” Marty made some calls. Can’t you feel the love with these assholes? “Mateo, take dipshit here and meet with the Garza family. Here’s the payment for the merchandise they have for us.” Marty tossed Mateo a bag. “If they f**k us over, kill them.” Mateo said nothing but left the office with Maurice. They would be away on business for a month, and that would allow Gloria and Carrington to spend quality time together. ***** Gloria I arrived home to find Maurice packing, and I remained there, playing the dutiful wife. “Where are you going?” “Mateo and I are going on a business trip. We’ll be away for a month.” “Should the trip worry me?” He stepped towards me and smiled. “No, baby. It’ll be okay.” “As long as you stay safe.” “Always. When I return, we should start a family.” I cringed inside with the thought of him touching me. “Sure.” Maurice gave me a quick peck on the mouth before grabbing his bag and leaving. I waited, hearing the door close. Relief washed over me since I was free for a month to be with Carri. Marty kept his brothers busy, so I didn’t fret about any of them snitching me out to Maurice. Carri was more of a man than Maurice. When I was with Carri, love captured me. With Maurice, disgust engulfed me. The minute I had a chance, I would leave Maurice and this godforsaken family. I wanted happiness, and Carri could provide that. I got tired of dealing with the drinking and the threats. Maurice hit me that one time, but it was a matter of time before it escalated. When the time was perfect, I would leave and be happy. Something would alter that, but I didn’t realize what it was.
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