Chapter 198

1393 Words

Chapter 39 Oh, look, it’s the i***t brothers! Alex Today we were celebrating the twins’ second birthday. Elijah was three, with Junior already five. We were getting the party ready for everyone, and the twins weren’t cooperating. If Matthew wasn’t running around naked, Elizabeth was. Ryan and I chased behind them with clothes. That might be a problem when they get older. Ryan has already threatened to chain them to their beds if that happens. The others arrived at our chaos to help us. The grandparents were busy setting up the party while we wrangled both kids. As soon as we got them dressed, they stripped even quicker. Ugh, this would be hell. “Looks familiar,” Frazier said. “Yeah, but at least Ryan didn’t strip naked. Nobody wants to see that,” Jordan added. “I don’t want to hear

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