Chapter 17

3218 Words

“Guilty!” The judge said, with the black cap balanced on his wig. He pointed a podgy finger at Smith’s father, with his jowls trembling, and his eyes gimlet-sharp. “A jury of your peers has found you guilty of horse theft, and I sentence you to be taken to the place from whence you came and from thence to a place of public execution.” uilty!” The judge said, with the black cap balanced on his wig. He pointed a podgy finger at Smith’s father, with his jowls trembling, and his eyes gimlet-sharp. “A jury of your peers has found you guilty of horse theft, and I sentence you to be taken to the place from whence you came and from thence to a place of public execution.”“No!” Smith’s mother screamed from the public galleries. “My husband is not a horse thief!” “No!” Smith’s mother screamed from

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