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Vidisha’s muscles ached with fatigue as she navigated through the bustling fire station later that afternoon. Despite the calm exterior of the team, the sense of urgency from the morning briefing lingered in the air. The fires, the deliberate attacks, had ignited more than just buildings—they’d sparked fear and tension throughout the city. Her mind wandered back to Raunak, their conversation still fresh in her head. He wasn’t who she’d expected him to be. He wasn’t just another critical outsider looking down on the work she did. In his own intense way, he seemed just as committed to stopping whoever was behind these fires as she was. Maybe that’s what unsettled her the most. She had spent years working with people who thought they had all the answers, people who would come in, throw around judgments, and leave without really understanding what it took to be out in the field. But Raunak…he was different. His focus wasn’t just on the aftermath; it was on preventing the next disaster. As she hung her gear back in her locker, she felt a familiar presence behind her. “Long day?” her colleague Meera asked, leaning against the wall with a tired smile. Vidisha nodded, rubbing the back of her neck. “You could say that. It’s getting harder to shake this feeling that things are going to get worse.” Meera gave her a sympathetic look. “Rathi’s team seems on edge too. If these fires keep happening, it’s only a matter of time before more people get hurt.” Vidisha grimaced. That was exactly what she feared. “Anyway,” Meera added, trying to lighten the mood, “heard you got into it with the hotshot doctor again this morning.” Vidisha rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smirk that tugged at her lips. “He’s a piece of work, that’s for sure.” “Piece of work or not,” Meera teased, “you’ve been talking about him a lot lately.” “It’s not like that,” Vidisha said quickly, though she felt her face heat up. “He’s just involved in the investigation, that’s all.” “Uh-huh.” Meera gave her a knowing look. “Careful, Vidi. Fire and gasoline don’t mix well.” Vidisha shook her head, laughing softly despite herself. She wasn’t about to let Raunak Mehta become anything more than a necessary distraction. Whatever was happening between them was temporary, a byproduct of the tension surrounding the fires. Nothing more. Just as she was about to respond, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She glanced at the screen—a message from Detective Rathi. New developments on the fire. We need to meet. Tonight. Be there. Her stomach twisted. It seemed like things were moving faster than expected. Without wasting a second, she grabbed her jacket and turned to Meera. “Duty calls,” she muttered. Meera raised an eyebrow. “Take care, Vidi. And remember—some fires aren’t meant to be fought.” Vidisha gave her a nod, though her thoughts were already a million miles away. --- Later that evening, Vidisha arrived at the briefing location—a makeshift command center set up in an abandoned warehouse near the docks. The cold wind from the river whipped through the air, sending chills down her spine as she made her way inside. The dim lighting and the hum of quiet conversations filled the room as detectives and investigators pored over maps and documents. She spotted Raunak immediately, standing next to Rathi, deep in conversation. His serious expression hadn’t changed since the morning, and if anything, he looked even more focused now. She approached cautiously, not sure if she was ready to deal with him again after the morning’s tension. “Glad you could make it,” Rathi said, gesturing for her to join them. “We’ve made some progress.” Vidisha nodded, keeping her eyes on Rathi while consciously avoiding Raunak’s gaze. “What have you got?” Rathi pulled out a file, flipping it open to reveal a series of photos from the fire sites. “We’ve confirmed the accelerants were the same at all the locations, but what’s more interesting is the pattern we’re seeing. These fires aren’t random—they’re all happening in areas connected to the same development project.” Vidisha frowned. “A development project?” Raunak spoke up, his voice low but steady. “It’s a major construction initiative in the city. Several of the buildings that burned down were marked for demolition or redevelopment.” “So you think someone’s targeting these places to clear the way for the project?” Vidisha asked, her mind racing to catch up with the implications. “It’s possible,” Rathi said. “We’re still piecing it together, but there’s definitely a link between the fires and the real estate deals.” Vidisha clenched her fists. “That’s why they’re getting more reckless. They’re running out of time.” Raunak nodded, his expression as intense as ever. “We need to stop this before it escalates further.” There it was again—that same urgency in his voice, the determination that mirrored her own. For a moment, she forgot about the tension between them and focused on the task at hand. “What’s the plan?” she asked. Rathi motioned toward the map on the table, pointing to a cluster of buildings on the outskirts of the city. “This is the next likely target. It’s scheduled for demolition in a week, and based on the pattern, we think the arsonist will strike before then.” Vidisha studied the map, her pulse quickening. This was their chance to stop whoever was behind this. “We’ll need a team ready to respond as soon as the fire starts.” “We’re already coordinating with the fire department,” Rathi said. “But we’ll need all hands on deck for this one. That includes you, Pradhan.” Vidisha gave a firm nod. “I’ll be there.” She could feel Raunak’s eyes on her, but she refused to look in his direction. She wasn’t going to get distracted, not now. This was too important. As the meeting wrapped up, Vidisha grabbed her jacket, preparing to leave. Just as she turned to go, Raunak stepped in front of her, his expression unreadable. “Vidisha,” he said, his voice quieter than before. “Be careful out there tomorrow.” For a split second, she felt something stir in her chest—an unspoken connection, a hint of concern that caught her off guard. But just as quickly, she shoved it down, pushing away the vulnerability. “I always am,” she replied, her tone neutral. “Same goes for you, Doc.” Raunak gave a curt nod, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes, something that made her heart skip a beat before she could stop it. Without another word, she turned and walked out into the night, her mind racing with thoughts of the impending danger—and the unexpected pull she felt toward the man standing behind her.
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