Stolen Moments

1090 Words
The fires had been relentless, each new blaze more dangerous than the last. The arsonist was playing a sick game, one that was pushing Vidisha to the edge. Despite the chaos swirling around her, she couldn’t escape the constant pull of Raunak, even when she was trying her hardest to keep things professional. She had convinced herself that they could remain distant, that they could simply ignore the growing tension between them. But the problem with fire was that it spread quickly, and before you knew it, everything was consumed. After the harrowing day at the warehouse, Vidisha stayed at the station, going through every report and file, trying to piece together the clues. But her mind wasn’t cooperating. Her thoughts kept drifting back to Raunak—the way he had looked at her after the fire, the worry in his eyes. She hadn’t expected that kind of emotion from him, especially when she had been so cold, so determined to keep her distance. But the truth was, she didn’t want to. And that terrified her. As the evening wore on, the station emptied out. The city was finally quiet, the fires for the day seemingly under control, and Vidisha found herself alone in the dimly lit room, the silence pressing down on her. She had never been afraid of being alone before, but tonight felt different. Maybe it was because she knew Raunak was still out there, somewhere. Or maybe it was because she could feel something shifting between them, something that neither of them could control. She was lost in thought when her phone buzzed on the desk beside her. The screen lit up with a text message from Raunak. Raunak: Still at the station? Vidisha stared at the message for a moment, her heart racing. She could easily ignore it, pretend she hadn’t seen it, but she knew that wasn’t the answer. She was tired of running from this—whatever this was. Vidisha: Yeah. Going over reports. A few moments passed before her phone buzzed again. Raunak: Mind some company? Vidisha hesitated, her thumb hovering over the screen. This was a bad idea. She knew it. But the truth was, she didn’t want to be alone right now. Not with everything that was happening. Not with the arsonist still out there, lurking in the shadows. Before she could overthink it, she sent her reply. Vidisha: Sure. --- Fifteen minutes later, Raunak arrived at the station. He was still dressed in his scrubs, his hair slightly disheveled from the long day he had clearly endured. When he walked in, Vidisha felt the now-familiar rush of emotions flood her chest, but she pushed them down, determined to keep things professional. “You didn’t have to come,” she said as he entered the room. Raunak gave her a small smile, shrugging. “I wanted to. Besides, I could use a break from the hospital.” Vidisha gestured toward the empty chair beside her. “Well, I’m just going through these files if you want to sit.” Raunak sat down, and for a few minutes, neither of them said anything. The quiet was surprisingly comfortable, and Vidisha found herself oddly at ease with him there. It was like the usual chaos and tension between them had settled, leaving behind a calm that she hadn’t felt in a long time. But of course, the calm didn’t last. After a few minutes, Raunak broke the silence. “Are you okay?” Vidisha tensed, not expecting the question. “What do you mean?” “You’ve been different lately,” he said, his tone gentle but probing. “Since the fires started, since…” His voice trailed off, but Vidisha knew what he wasn’t saying—since the kiss. She didn’t know how to respond. She hadn’t been okay, not for a while now. The fires, the pressure, the arsonist—they had all taken their toll. And then there was Raunak, complicating everything in ways she hadn’t anticipated. “I’m fine,” she said, her voice too quick, too sharp. Raunak didn’t buy it. His eyes searched her face, and Vidisha had to look away, feeling exposed under his gaze. “You don’t have to pretend with me, you know.” Vidisha swallowed hard, her heart racing again. She wanted to open up, to let him in, but every instinct she had was screaming at her to keep him at arm’s length. She couldn’t afford to get close, not when everything in her life felt like it was on the verge of collapse. But Raunak wasn’t giving up. He reached out, his hand gently covering hers. The simple gesture sent a shock through her, and she felt her defenses crumbling. “You don’t have to do this alone,” he said softly. Vidisha’s breath caught in her throat. The words, the touch, everything about this moment was pulling her in, and she wasn’t sure if she had the strength to fight it anymore. “I don’t know how,” she whispered, barely able to get the words out. Raunak’s hand tightened around hers, grounding her. “You’re not alone, Vidisha. Not with me.” And in that moment, something shifted between them. The tension that had been building for weeks finally broke, leaving behind something raw and real. Without thinking, Vidisha leaned into him, her head resting against his shoulder. Raunak didn’t hesitate, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her closer. It wasn’t about the fire, or the danger, or even the arsonist anymore. It was about them—two people who had been through hell and were still standing, still fighting. For a while, they sat there in silence, the weight of everything they had been holding onto finally lifting. Vidisha had never let anyone in like this before, had never allowed herself to be vulnerable. But with Raunak, it felt different. It felt… right. Eventually, Vidisha pulled back, her heart still racing but her mind clearer than it had been in days. “This is a bad idea,” she muttered, more to herself than to him. Raunak chuckled softly, his eyes warm as they met hers. “Probably. But I’m not going anywhere.” Vidisha smiled, the tension between them easing into something more comfortable. She didn’t know what was going to happen next, didn’t know how they were going to navigate this dangerous line they had crossed. But for now, in this stolen moment, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they were here, together.
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