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The next day, bright and early in the morning, Lohith came down for breakfast, something he hadn't done for in front of people. He decided to act normal, since times had changed, especially with the world evolving. "Good Morning Prime!!!!!" Everyone at the table greeted. Usually, it was only the immediate family that sat at the table, but the family multiplied in numbers because most of them had found their mates and have had children and grandchildren. It was time to cut down the circle, he didn't do well with crowd anyway, so he instructed his cousin; "William." "Yes prime." "I would love to spend my last years alone. Sort everybody out by the weekend." Lohith said and moved his plate of food aside, he only drank the wine he was served. "As you wish." William responded. "As you wish prime!!!!" everyone responded as well. No one dared question the decisions of the supreme leader of a kingdom with over ten different clans, especially if he's as powerful as Lohith. William looked at Lohan who ate like no one else was present and like he didn't hear what his brother said, Lohana felt sad for him, hence she rejected her food as well. "Eat." Lohith said to his sister, she shook her head. He turned to look at her, his stare sent a message she understood very well, so she picked up her food again and took little bites. After breakfast, Lohith stepped out of the house and got into his car, he drove straight to the witch house. Standing by the door, he hesitated to go inside, just as he was about to turn his back and walk away, the door opened. "You never runaway from a problem, has it gotten so bad?" sheila, the witch said. "You will watch your tongue with me." Lohith warned "No sir, you are supreme over demons, shapeshifters and vampires, not witches. Come in, let's begin." sheila left the door open and went in. Lohith clenched his fist, he hesitated but eventually followed as the door closed. They arrived at the inner room where she usually conducted the rituals, he sat down on the sofa opposite the round table. A crystal ball laid in the center with electric candles around it; "Ready?" sheila asked Lohith looked at the crystal, he said; "This is pointless." "This is hope, a little faith would help too." sheila said as she attempted to take off his shirt, he grabbed her hand, gave her a death stare. "Fine, take it off yourself, I'm still going to see it anyway." Lohith took off his shirt and laid back on the sofa, there were scales on his body that was so visible as that of a wyvern, they began to resurface four weeks ago. "There are more?" sheila asked surprised "I told you it was pointless, the curse is evident." Sheila rolled her eyes, she knew the man didn't believe in the prophecy and in the powers of the witches, but he could at least try or conceal it. She began the ritual process, it had helped over the years to suppress the curse from disrupting his life. But Lohith had given up on life and trying to live seems to be a waste of his time; "You have to be involved in this prime, do it for your family at least." sheila said and injected him with a liquid. "Do whatever you want witch." Lohith said and succumbed to the effect of the drug. While he was unconscious, sheila watched him fight the curse through the crystal ball, but his will was weak. She looked at him, then she hovered above his head and began to move her hands around his upper body, wriggling her fingers as her black pupil got lost. Green smogs erupted from Lohith's body, he began to writhe and sweat profusely. This went on for several hours, until the scales faded away, then Lohith became concious again. He looked at his body and saw the scales had disappeared, he took his shirt and wore it; "When it surfaces again, i won't be coming back." "That would be in another four weeks, we'll see." sheila smiled, she was condoning his behavior because of the relationship she had with Lohan. Lohith was a strenuous and conceited being, a super hybrid with these attributes was one hell of a pain in the ass, reasons why the curse lingered in his lineage. It was a generational curse, Lohith had tried to escape it at a young age, hence, he travelled between worlds to acquire powers way beyond their realm. Still, it caught up with him; "You're the only one who lived beyond the expected time." sheila said as she walked him to the front door. "Others died at three hundred years, but you've succeeded to live beyond that." "I know what you're driving at sheila." "Deny it all you want prime, but sooner or later you'll have to unlock those powers." "Then what, they're useless." "No, they're not, let me access them and......" "Drop it sheila!" he yelled, walked out of the house and slammed the door. Sheila muttered a few words and sighed, she returned to her inner room and consulted someone, the person appeared. "How did it go?" the person asked "I was able to slow down the curse, but he will still die on the stipulated time." sheila bowed her head "Hmmm, i see." "My Queen, does his death benefit us or......" The woman inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, "No one's demise is beneficial but unfortunately, his is." "Then why did you give me the approval to conduct his monthly ritual? Is there really hope for him? What about the prophecy?" "Calm down sheila. The prophecy came seventy five years ago, the heavens had been silent since then, no one knows what next for the prime." The woman sighed, "Keep overseeing his rituals, await my next visit." "Yes my Queen." sheila bowed, the woman vanished.
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