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The emphasis on the word 'mate' told Lohana that reagan didn't believe in mates and that she just found out why lohith married her. She worried for her brother, after so many years, he finally found his mate, just to discover that she's with child. "You need to go Reagan, he will return after he has calmed down. He will feel worse if he doesn't see you in his bed." Lohana said. Reagan sighed, she had started this journey and she must see it to the end, regardless of what the prime thinks of her. So she returned to the main castle, straight to the room she shared with lohith, she took off the cloak and laid down. She closed her eyes to sleep, just then lohith came into the room, she felt his temper calm and relaxed. Lohith looked at her, he knew she was still awake but he cared less. He laid down, he turned away from her and closed his eyes, soon their conciousness slipped away. The next morning, reagan woke up to find lohith out of bed, she rubbed her growling tummy, has the discovery of being pregnant suddenly awoken her appetite? She wondered. Climbing out of bed, she walked towards the bathroom, just as she was about to turn the doorknob, the door opened and lohith stepped out. She stumbled back, stepped on her nightgown and lost her balance, lohith immediately grabbed her by the waist and pulled her forward. Reagan noticed the man's beautiful golden eyes for the first time, his chocolate brown hair was wet and she was tempted to touch it. His strong arms held her firm and his chest was sexy beneath her palms. Reagan gasped and pushed away from him when she realized their position; "You should watch where you're going esper." Lohith said in an irritating manner. Reagan rolled her eyes, she wasn't in the mood to argue with him this morning. She went into the bathroom and took her bath without waiting for the maids, and when she came out, she was relieved lohith wasn't there. The maids arrived and began to dress her up in a fancy manner; "What's with all these?" "The prime's family are coming for breakfast, he asked us to get you ready." the maid who introduced herself as Evelyn replied, the other was called Alyce. "Would it have killed him if he informed me himself?" Reagan muttered under her breath, the maids exchanged glances and hide their shock. Now she would have to wait until they arrived before she had breakfast? Hell no, she couldn't. "You can leave now, Alyce get me some cookie and a glass of milk." "Yes my Queen." Reagan remembered her lover and decided to make a quick call, she took out her phone from her suitcase and dialed gianna's phone, she picked on the second ring. "You had me worried Rea, what's happening?" "I'm sorry you got worried, i meant to call but a lot has been going on." "Tell me." "I'm Queen now, i got married to the prime yesterday." "Will you stop kidding? The prime found his mate, how can you be married to him as well?" Reagan knew this would be hard for gianna to accept, seeing they both planned to be together after everything. Gianna always thought she was delusional when she told her about the revenge plan. "I'm his mate gia, i'm the one he found." she said calmly. She waited for the screams and scolding but it didn't come. "Gia, are you there?" "Yeah, just trying to digest this big information." "I promise, this won't change anything between us, you know why i'm here." "Reagan, he will find out. No matter how strong you are, you're no match for him." "I'm his mate right, I'm his weak spot." Reagan sensed someone coming, "We'll speak again soon, lots of love." she hung up before the knock came. "My Queen, the prime request your presence." Evelyn said. Reagan took a deep breath before she walked out of the room, she was led my the maid to the dining hall. It was filled with faces she only saw at the ceremony for the first time, now she get to meet all the Olson's. "Reagan." Lohith called her attention, she looked at him, "Come sit." he said softly. That was the first time he used her name, he spoke calmly as well. "Greetings everyone." Reagan said as she walked to her sit by lohith's side. "Greetings Queen, Welcome to the family!!!!!" everyone replied. "This is the rest of the family." Lohith said, "You already know the prince and princess." he nodded to william. "I'm william, cousin to the prime. Welcome to the family, my queen." William said, Reagan nodded. "I'm Cora, Welcome to the family." the lady beside Lohana said, her tone wasn't so friendly. Reagan listened to everyone as the made their introductions, she didn't quite catch everyone's names but she knew there were five cousins, three nieces and two nephews. The doors opened and a young man entered, he looked like william but more handsome and taller with gold brown hair and hazel eyes. "You're late." Lohith said as he glared at him. "Ease up brother, I'm here, ain't i?" the man answered as he spread his hands apart, he smiled as he walked towards Reagan. "So this is our new queen, she's beautiful." he said, Lohith growled softly. "Don't piss me off today julian." Lohith warned "Oh come on, now she knows my name. You're such spoiler." he said, he stood close to lohith and said; "My name is julian Olson, cousin to the prime, older brother to that chap there." he pointed at william. "Please to meet you reagan." "It's Queen Reagan." Lohith warned again "I see you already popped a child in her." Julian whispered to lohith, lohith slammed the table, stood up abruptly and walked away, everybody was startled except julian. "Now who is this other beauty?" Julian asked smiling.
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