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        It’s three in the morning, I have stayed too long at the office again. This is the fourth time in a week, all thanks to my boss for engaging me with lots of work.          It’s not that I am complaining, working for his company is what I live for and I love my job. I packed the files I will be needing at home in my handbag and picking up my keys, I head out to the parking lots, whistling in excitement and dancing to the tune of the whistle coming out from my mouth as I walked slowly towards my car.       It was 4 am by the time I got home, no time to rest because I had lots of workloads to be done before heading to work in the morning and I needed it for the meeting, I needed to get it done on time.        I head straight to my kitchen to make myself some toast and then poured myself a glass of milk to help me aid the digestion of the food before heading back to my room with the food in my hand.        Switching on my laptop, I began my work, arranging the files in neat order, starting from the sales of the day.         Calculating the gains and losses of the day and making sure I don’t miss anything, and then correcting some data that were typed wrongly.             Bigz company have been in a bad shape before I was offered the job to come join the business team, with my help I was able to build the company back up again, bringing it back to its former glory.           I was able to help build their standards high, their budgets high and everything was doing so great that they had to promote me as the manager of the business team.            When I was done with everything I transferred the files to my office computer before shutting down my system, checking the time it was 7 in the morning, I quickly took a cup of coffee before heading to the bathroom to get cleaned up.           Putting on a black suit, a white inner, and black heels to match, I took my bag and left my apartment.            My apartment, a two-bedroom flat was given to me by the company when I became the manager, the apartment seems empty, I had no time to buy things needed for the apartment, I felt there was no use for it because I was hardly at home.              During the weekdays I am always at the office getting buried with works and on weekends I always go clubbing, awarding myself for getting all my work done,e and also been praised by my boss for being an excellent leader.                     “Good morning ma” greeted my secretary the moment she sighted me coming out from the elevator.                      “Good morning Lucy, what’s my schedule for today,” I asked her while walking towards my office.                      “You have a meeting with the board of directors and the CEO around 4 pm today, then lunch with the CEO of BDC today at the glamour, you are to check the designs that were shipped yesterday. Lastly, you have a meeting with Mr. Austin about the proposal of the new building for the new branch at 9 am,…….” she said then stopped to check her wristwatch on her wrist.                        “…….. which is fifteen minutes from now”                         “Damn!!!!!! Lucy, you should have told me that first before the rest,” I yelled at her before turning around and then walking towards the elevator.                          “I am sorry, ma” she apologized as she ran after me, throwing the keys to my car when we got to the parking lot. I sat at the back while she sat at the front handing over the keys to a chauffeur to drive us to the meeting point with Mr. Austin                          “Good morning Mr. Austin, I am sorry for being a minute late. I had something to attend to, shall we?” I gestured for him to take a seat, so we would commence the meeting.              He brought out the prototype of how everything will be arranged and displayed when he was done renovating the entire building we bought, I fell in love with the sight of the building and how perfect it was.              When we were done finalizing everything, he took me straight to the building where our new branch would be located, it was in the middle of a busy area and it would be very good for business.               He took me around the buildings, explaining things to me and what he would use in designing the building and how it would look, seeing the prototype and then seeing the building right now I could imagine how perfect everything would be and I couldn’t wait for the renovating to begin.                           “This is perfect Mr. Austin, I knew you would never disappoint me. I will get back to you if there are any changes made to the design, in the meantime here is the contract and if you want to change anything do call me, let’s talk and we will work on that but if not I will be waiting for the contract with your signature on it. I will be heading to my office now, thanks once again” I told him stretching my hand forward for a handshake which he accepted and bidding him farewell, I entered into my car, with Lucy holding the prototype in her hands, then we drove off to the next place on my schedule.                 It was 4 pm when I finally got back to the office exhausted and all I needed right now is rest but deep down I knew resting was far from me because I had a meeting with my boss and the board of directors and I needed to deliver my reports to them and then show them the prototype, explaining to them what we need to change and do for the final part of the business to be established.                           “Lucy, get me a glass of water please and see if everyone is at the meeting room and tell someone to get everything ready and make sure my slides are ready in the correct manner, also tell someone to make sure the projector is working fine, okay?” I told her.                          “Yes ma,” she said hurrying away and coming back a few minutes later with the glass of water.                          “Everything is set and the board of directors is arriving at the meeting room”.                           “Thank you,u Lucy you are the best,” I told her complimenting her with nice words.               I drank the water and set the glass on my table, putting on my suit and spraying some perfume on my clothes before heading to the meeting room.               I waited for everyone to be seated before I began the meeting, with a projector displaying my slide while I explained things to them about the new building, showing them the prototype. Then I told them how everything was in check and that soon the contract will be signed and the building will be ours and our business will commence immediately. I went further in telling them how to make it better than our current building.               When I was done they all applauded and praised my name.                             “Nicely done, I knew I could trust you with the job,” CEO Clark said applauding me loudly.                              “Thank you, sir, thank you for trusting me with the job,” I said bowing my head in respect.                              “Thank you Cathy Walter for your hard work and everything you have been doing for this company and I am grateful to you for lifting Bigz company and bringing it back to its former glory”                             “Thank you, sir, I am glad I could help”                   I told him but deep down I felt uncomfortable, I wasn’t liking the direction of where his praises were going to and it wasn’t sounding the way it always does, then his voice brought me out of my thoughts as I stared at him.                               “I am sorry Cathy but we have to let you go”.
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