Act 2

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Act two scene one ( The sunrise shone such an amazing light, the town was a busy one and it was the first day in the sixth month, there was a festival being performed for the frost beast and normally was held at noon , everyone needs to be there and Freda the goddess of flourish was the master mind in performing the rituals . the festival was amazing just as all goddesses performed showing their marital skills art to the world. the festival was a big success putting smiles in the face of the people and the earth heard their foot steps of dancing. the festival filled the air with joy and this moment was beautiful, and their joy didn't last for long as the darkness made plot for their ruin and the immortals were joyful and excited to see how happy the people were. just then there could feel the ground shaking and tragedy struck end the air, Martha now has the book of the frost beast as darkness surfaces the sky blowing out every lights out. the people were terrified each person clinging to their neighbors the lighting thundered, and the people panicked, the immortals thought of a way to save the people from the trap they had fallen into , the sea god called out, " show yourself you monster and stop hiding around". struck his staff twice calling to the flood of the glittering western water, there was a yearning for an answer the people mostly believes in signs. after a long space with silence here came a dark vapour like an industrial smoke approached the entrance everyone Wondered who it might be and when the victim stood still and showed her identity king Graham was baffled to find out the victim behind the mask, it was Martha his most trusted maid the loyal servant of the king. everyone was stunned to see her . king Graham bowed his head in disappointment.) Freda : ( shocked) Martha what are you doing ? Martha : (grunts) My dear Freda ! I know this moment is so fascinating than you can ever think, (laughs) oh I forgot what I am a maiden to you ruthless immortal after what you did to my people locking them up in the dark. stealing our land and freedom and you expect us to sit back and do nothing ( shakes her head) oh no we were all denounced because we're demons we've been separated from the normal life. I've always waited for this day when I would split your blood all over the floor and use it as a flag of victory . ( Martha kept on speaking) Martha : There should have been present holes dug out for a mass burial. ( just then a mysterious vapour fluttered all round the people causing them to collapse, but this poisonous snake never affected the immortals , the immortals used their marital technique to detect how poisonous the magic was and there was a conclusion of her using the powder of the eastern Witcher combined with the spell of death and struck the people with dilemma. sickness and death knocked on every door, funeral and mourning filled the air and every mother became a crying child. our present situation was critical and it took months to repair the damages Martha caused to the realms, and the people murmured calling for a quest to hear from the high realms creating an atmosphere of confusion after Martha opened the door Acabela gave her life to restore the peace of her people. she fought the queen of darkness kaysera , kaysera soul was sealed in the mirror of souls and Acabela died, the sand drank her blood like a camel. this point was when kaysera was sealed by the mirror and the netherworld was sealed to protect the people from death. Martha was destroyed by the immortal and the netherworld lost their chance of being in charge, my grandma motionless body was preserved with mythical powers, and she was left to faith to decide if she might live again. I've lived my life in the bluest and thick roofing, I was never allowed to walk outdoor or look through the window. I knew little about the big world I live in, but I never wasted my chance of studying marital art in the little library we had at home , since I had no teacher to tutor me I really need to make use of my time at home. villi- ann communed with the dark lord and now they need to find the gate keeper. my life was a big mess, till I encountered who I truly was which changed my life forever. one faithful morning I woke up just a usual day. I walked into the library and studied all sorts of skills till I got to the last book shelf, were I saw a different book it had no name and the cover was dirty . I scanned through but found it less interesting so I dropped it over and a key fell out of the book, I was surprised and wondered what exactly was a key doing here, not to worry too much I left the key sat back on the rug and continued my reading . eventually I found a wood carved in that exact shape of the key I found a few minutes ago, I was baffled by what I had just seen but it looks weird. I can't imagine how I've never seen it before, I looked around for the key, but I couldn't find it. I stepped down and scattered the whole room and finally found it in the floor and saw myself picking it up. shinning such a mysterious light. I became puzzled where did it come from, and the most stunning part was how it shone such mysterious light . I paused for thought thinking the key was kept in the wrong part, so I placed it in the right spot, thinking it exactly where it belongs and surprisingly the wooden shaped stuff opened right up I found a stairs leading to a dungeon, surprised I haven't noticed this, stepping right into the basement and the box closed no way in but a way out. I walked down the stairs in silence and called out for someone but I got no reply, I thought how come nobody noticed it. my hands stocked to the walls which was very dusty and old as though it has been dumped for ages with a massive door touching the gate and felt a stimulations pumping with in my vein . there was this strange energy around the whole place . I moved around my eyes caught a circular shape design drawn on the floor and I placed my foot there and found this strange place lightening up in blue color and snow falling down glowing in sparkling blue and this experience results to an earthquake this mysterious energy emerged through the land, putting everyone one in panic everyone thought of what really happened. few minutes later a meeting was being called by the southern seer and brought it to the notice of the king and it could be the ice beast has awaken , message went round to all corners of the world about the awakening of the ice beast. I turned around and I could see my reflection and the color of hair was grey and my face took a different look. I heard roselle screaming my name and I couldn't let her see me here, so I ran out quickly and before I could get there she was speaking again. Roselle : I think the compass keeps leading me to the wrong direction, before you called me an unknown energy emerged from nowhere and I think it's a similar strength ; mum I think the basement has been found but by someone else! villi- ann : how is that even possible roselle remember your promise. Roselle : mum how am I suppose to fulfill what I promised; when that compass leads me to the wrong path ! villi- ann : then if you say it similar to that of the ice beast ; then I think you've to set out and find out what is happening. Roselle: I think you're right! villi- ann : Go ! quickly Roselle: I will mother ! ( light fades) ( roselle went out to get more information about the unknown energy which emerged lately, she walked into the market where she found a group of people chatting about the event which occurred lately, roselle took a closer look and found the poster in the local billboard in the market informing everyone about the meeting which will take place at noon.) Roselle : ( smile's) WOW ! who knows what exactly we all need to discuss ? ( roselle walked back home as thought ran through her mind, she was a witch and needs substance for her beauty , so the flowers around became her tool and recently my neighborhood lacks colorful flowers and stagnant growth because of her poisonous energy. I looked through the window and a voice came to my ears reminding me of me being the eyewitness of the unknown energy which emerged lately. I thought I need to leave and find out what really happened, just as I walked down the street, I hear murmuring all around. but I wasn't concerned cause no one could see my face. it seems like the whole town is on fire, I stopped by when I heard a group of individuals conversation.) first : I haven't seen or ever experienced such energy, it set the whole place on fire. second : precisely, I though I would have been dead by now ! third : I felt my head spinning like a ballerina ! first : maybe I wouldn't have seen you again ! second : I heard a meeting will be held today, for us to get a clear explanation on what really happened ? ( I couldn't believe my ears , how far has the news travelled it circulated so rapidly. All I need to do was to leave before sunset, I don't know how but I must find my way around. but my mom could track me down cause I had a tracking seal on my wrist and I have to take it out, which seems impossible. I thought of it and I remembered Riley a magician who was known for his incredible powers although he's a psychopath , wondering where he might be but I really had not even the slightest idea, an old lady who lives down the street who was portrayed as a wild and mad granny she brags of knowing everywhere in the world. I walked up to her and greeted.) Karen : Hello ma'am ! ( she stared at me with her pale dirty face and a red cheeks like a mad dog) Karen : ( surprised) ma'am are you okay ? Granny : ( chuckles) I'm fine and what took you so long I've been waiting ! Karen : ( surprised) if you don't mind , have you seen me before. Granny : ( nod's) who hasn't heard of Karen, have you forgotten what they called you ? Karen : ( smile's) ok it fine you look famished ! Granny : my child no one agrees selling anything to me, I've been starving for days. Karen : Don't worry I'll get you something to eat. ( she nods while I left) ( few minutes later I came back with the meal , she quickly grabbed the meal and rumbled like a dogs in search of food and this was the perfect time to ask her) Karen: Do you know where Riley lives ? Granny : oh that scoundrel ! that thinks so highly of himself just like Ryan ? Karen : who's Ryan ? Granny : it's seems like you're new around my child everyone knows him. Karen : ok ! let's put that aside please where does Riley stay's ? Granny : Riley lives miles away at the top of the hill. Karen : Hill ! how is it even possible. Granny : Are you surprised everyone knows Riley is crazy he's a psychopath. Karen: thanks for your help ma'am Granny : no worries my dear ; just be careful that old papa never listen, else you are someone big. Karen: ( murmurs) I pray I don't get lost ! ( I walked into the woods to the parts of the hills and found a building at the top of the hill and I thought, how Riley was able to climb the each day, but no need to worry he was a magician. I became weary and managed to climb up the hill which took me hours to get up there ; I knocked on the door but got no reply this made me barged into his apartment. I found a stairs leading to a mighty mansion and found an old man sitting on a dug rug , I thought he was meditating and he got distracted by my entry. Karen : ( Bowing) Good day sir ! Riley : ( stared at me) who are you and what do you seek for young lady . Karen : ( smile's) since I was a little kid I've heard a lot about you and the ill mannered words there say about you, we are even aren't we ? ( Riley gave her a frown) Karen : I'm Karen and I'm here to destroy the tracker. Riley : ( breaths heavily) at times in life we try getting rid of things we are affected by ( stood up) but you are mistaken if you think you can get rid of the track. Karen : ( surprised) you mean there's no way out ! how am I suppose to live in this chains. Riley : ( stared as well and smiled ) you are possess and you expect them not to watch your movement around the environment. Karen : is there a way out. Riley : there's no way out young lady. Karen : there's always a way out although the tunnel seems dark there's always a way out, I'll find a way out myself ! Riley : ( drew closer to her) maybe there is a way out ( whispers to her ears) but are you ready to take the risk. Karen : ( chuckles) what more will be added to the list ? Riley : ( scoffs ) Are you brave enough to force the immortals to break it up ! Karen : but my mother is a Goddess, maybe she can find a way out of this mess. Riley : ( chuckles ) is your mother even a goddess, a woman who isn't able to get her yield right, and the worst side of it all she gave birth to a hidden demon like you. ( Riley's word broke me into pieces and brought anger to my veins.) Karen : ( spoke angrily) what did you say ? ( Riley walked to the balcony staring at the sky ) Riley : ( breaths heavily) the truth is just like a bitter tea but dear that's the truth it might hurt you now but you'll realize later. ( I walked to him with a knife in my hands, rasing my hands about to stab him, you know being an immortal is quite interesting. Riley spoke in a different tongue far different from the normal and he raised me up and I felt this hands on my neck like strangling me to death, I couldn't breathe and was being thrown from the top of the mountain into the river that lies at the foot of the water, I feel into the hill and at this point my vision was blurred and I heard foot steps moving toward the river so I tried looking before I drowned deep into the water. Few hours later I was up but I never understood what was happening and I heard this mature voice singing from the next room, I stood up and I thought I was lost. when I opened the door, I found a short old lady sitting on a cuddling chair with a nice table and a cup of tea , I walked up to her. ) Granny : Hey my child you are up ? Karen : ( looked around) ma'am where am I ? Granny : you may not be too far from home ( a pale voice ) ( I paused for thought and I wondered if I'm far from home then I must be around the cocaine island. I couldn't be happy enough and now I can live on my own and stay far away from this murmuring world . I jumped off the window into the lake that laid at the back of the apartment, but this time it was different from my last experience, the river became frozen like an ice lake. I couldn't believe my eyes the more I ran the more it grew. I couldn't wait to get things straight all I need now was to stay far away from this people, at the end of the lake I found a little hut and I could see shadows moving inside the hut . the shadows reflected on the floor and I thought someone would be in there. I barged in without any notice and I found her sitting on a bench beside the fire place chanting a spell) Jane : ( stretched her hands out) who are you; and what do you search for ? Karen : ( clears her throat) I am Karen by name and people address me as a witch and kind of a big pain in the ass . Jane : ( smile's ) And why are you here ? Karen : I was passing by and I found this little hut so I decided to rest here. Jane : ( chuckles) it's not just a hut ! Karen: ( chuckles) then what is it , a palace or what ? Jane: ( opens a door) you can come in ! ( Karen walked in mouth wide opened, surprised by the structure of the little hut) Karen : what ? wow woman it's really awesome ! ( Jane offers her a seat ) Jane : what do you seek for ? Karen : ( breaths heavily) I've been trying to get to the immortals . Jane : ( focuses on her) what for ? Karen : I've been trying to get this thing off my wrist ( pulled it up) Jane : ( stretched forth her hands ) can I get a closer look ! Karen : ( scoffs ) okay are you sure you can v . .. ..break the seal . Jane : just give me your hand. Karen : ( stretched forth her hand ) if you say so ! ( Jane burst into another dimension chanting in a different tongue, I sat there staring at her and she brought me to an altar which has a spell written in the wall and the next thing I could see was smoke coming out from no where and the smell of the room was being covered with that of chocolate and the seal disappeared. I got so excited and hugged her . I never asked how she did it but all I knew is that I am free. she opened her eyes and stared at me, her attention was driven to the necklace around my neck.) Jane : ( mouth wide opened) WOW ! how do you get that ? Karen : ( puzzled) I don't know, but I was born with it ! Jane : Do you know what it is ? Karen : ( nod's) yes I do ! Jane : ( perplexed with her hand on Karens necklace) but how ? Karen : it's seems so difficult for you to understand me, my parents usually talked about the necklace but I don't think they knew I had it. Jane : ( sits on a bench beside her) well who knows, I heard there was a meeting this night and about the event which occurred earlier today. Karen: what is the meeting all about ? Jane : ( breath heavily ) I don't know yet but I'm sure it all about the event which occurred today. Karen: ( troubled by her words)oh no this is not good. Jane : ( stares at her) what is the problem Karen ? Karen : ( chuckles) I am not at peace. Jane : I heard the ice beast has just awaken. Karen: who's the ice beast ? Jane : it's something else a very dangerous deity and who knows maybe the netherworld will arise again, and this time we are finished. Karen : ( chews ) I've heard that story a thousand times. Jane : ( scoffs as she threw stones to the walls) And that story might become a reality. Karen : her fate was being discovered quickly than we thought. Jane : it war not fate which is actually an understatement. ( I stood at the entrance, thoughts flow through my mind

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