A Proposal

1115 Words
"So what's with the party?" Vincent asked Most of the guest had left and Dante asked Vincent to stay as he wanted to talk to him, Aidson is with Ellie in the drawing room. "The party I had for tonight was to look for a wife for Dominic" Dante said Vincent looked at Dante who handed him a drink and then took a seat oppisite of him, Vincent sigh out as he place the drink down on the table he had a terrible feeling deep inside his guts. "I love the flowers, did you arrange them?" Adison asked "Yes, once a month the ladies get together for tea and flower arragments and just have chat catch up and gossip" Ellie said Adison smiled as she looked at the flower. "You are welcome to join us since your mother we never-" Ellie stop talking. "I understand my sister's, well I would be delighted to join" Adison said "Great next gathering is in two weeks I'll make sure to send you a invintation" Ellie said "I would sure like to hold one, if my father let's me" Adison said "Why don't you hold it this time, we usual hold it at other's home. I can help you with the invitations and a list of what to make" Ellie said "I can do the snacks, my grandmother taught me that I just need help with invitations" Adison said "Okay I will help with that" Ellie said The both pick up their tea as they heard laughing and talking from the hallway, Adison look towards the noise. "Seems like my sons have return" Ellie said Adison looked towards Ellie seeing she was smiling away as she place the tea down Adison did the same as footsteps was coming their way, Adison saw Ellie sat up so she stood up with her as well. "Darlings" Ellie said "Mom" Adison saw two of them say, there was four gentelmen one thing they all had in common was their black hair and grey hair but one of them had brown hair and brown eyes, Adison saw one was a bit taller then the rest of them his eyes were the lightest grey of the other two, his jaw line looked sharp and he had this aura around him that wants you to stay back but Adison couldn't help but want to go forward to him. "And who is this lovely lady" Adison looked away as a guy in front of her walked towards her smiling, she gave a small smile to him. "Adison this is my youngest Gino, my middle son Hector and my oldest son Dominic and their firend Enzo. Boys this is Adison Ricci, Vincent's youngest daughter" Ellie said "I though Abby was the youngest?" Gino asked "It's nice to meet you Adison" Hector said "It's nice to meet you all" Adison said "Adison is new to the socitiy so I was helping her plan our monthly tea party that she will host in two weeks" Ellie said "Your like way different from your sisters." Gino said Adison giggle out as she saw Ellie glare at her son. "You met all three of them?" Adison asked "I did, Hector only met Gina. Enzo and Dominic only met your brother." Gino said "I see" Adison said The three looked at each other ready to leave, when they heard footsteps coming towards the room. "Boys" Dante said Adison looked at her father who looked like he was in deep thought, she went towards him she reached out her hand. "Dad?" Adison softly said Vincent looked at his daughter rub her cheeks. "Are you ready?" Vincent said "Yes" Adison said smiling "We will be heading out Don De Luca thank you for the invite and I will think about your proposal" Vincent said Adison looked at the De Luca family as she smile at them. "It was nice to meet you Adison" Ellie said "As well as you Mrs. De Luca" Adison said Vincent nodded to the four young gentelmen, as he took Adison's hand as they began walking out. "See you Adison" Gina called out Adison looke back gave a small waved and smiled as she took a quick glance at Dominic who was talking with Enzo, she let her eyes lingered on him for a bit then faced back the front it might be a quick second in the real world but fro Adison it felt like a whole minute for her. Vincent looked down at his daughter as she smiled and took a peek at where she was looking at and saw Dominic talking with his brothers but he didn't if it was him that she was looking at or someone else. Adison laid in bed as she couldn't stop thinking about Dominic, thinking of his grey eyes, his sharp jaw line the black hair style back his thin red lips that looked moist and his eye lashes that looked straight but curled at the end. Adison blushed as she hugged the pillow close to her as she gave out a small giggle. "Dominic" Adison couldn't help but say his name. She like the way his name just rolled off her tounge gibving her goose bumps all over her body as she shivered making her blush red to the tip of her ears. Dominic was seating in front of his father glaring at him. "I will not marry her" Dominic almost growled out but his tone was cold. Dante looked at his son sitting in front of him as he lean back as they stared at each finally Dante looked away. "Alright send Hector in" Dante said Dominic raised a brow but didn't say anything he knew his brothers would be listening at the door so when he open the door he wasn't surprised Hector and Gino almost fell foward inside the office, Hector quickly step towards the desk as all three brothers were in the office. "Father" Hector said Dante straight up and looked at Hector. "Get ready to take over once your marrigae is complete with Adison Ricci" Dante said He stood up as all three brother looked at their father, Dominic cleanch his fist. "That's all you may leave" Dante said "Father?" Hector said "Are you going to disobey as well?" Dante question his son. Hector look at Dominic then back at his father bowing his head down. "Good then-" Dante was saying but was cut off. "Let me find a wife to your liking" Dominic said Dante looked at his son. "No either it's her or the tittle goes to Hector" Dante said "I will think about it" Dominic said He turn away leaving the office.
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