Let’s bath you

1990 Words

Bella's POV Feeling irritated, I tried leaving the bed, but one of the alphas pulled me towards himself and whispered in my ear, “Where do you think you are going?” His voice was so seductive that the anger I felt was soon replaced with the urge to feel his touch. “We should let her rest,” the other twin lying beside me suggested and placed a kiss on the back of my neck, which made me frown inwardly. Who told him I needed rest? The one who was lying in front of me nodded and held my gaze with concern. “Are you okay?” He seemed genuinely worried, but I only rolled my eyes and looked away. “I want to sleep. Can you two leave?” I murmured, while hearing the disapproving growl of my wolf in my head. “We will let you sleep, only if you freshen up.” Before I could understand what he meant, t

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