sharing a table with them

667 Words

Bella's POV I wasn’t expecting such an offer from him, and besides, I was going to reject it anyway. “Thank you, but I think I should eat alone,” I politely rejected his offer and saw him frown. “Why? Is it because of these two?” He asked, pointing at Darin and Darwin. “No… it's just that…” “Come on, just eat with us; this is for your own good. Once the students see that you are sitting with us, then no one will dare to bully you, not even Richard,” he persuaded me, and I gulped. I knew he was right; sitting with them would help me a lot, but I can't sit at the same table with my stepbrothers who almost gave me a heart attack a few hours ago, and besides, they won’t agree to it. “I can stand up for myself…” “Come on, let's go,” Mark took hold of my hand and made me walk with him. “Come

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