1640 Words

Aurelia spend most of the day after that preparing for the evening. She didn't have a clue how she was going to execute the idea of exposing herself to Alex. It shouldn't be as hard it truly was. The idea of telling the secrets to him was not nearly as daunting as it was to actually do it. At one point Aurelia even though of not thinking about it anymore. Maybe distracting herself would help. When the time came, she would just do it. But that didn't help either. Even when she was with Archie, her eyes constantly went up to the clock and her heart would jolt with every hour deducted in the day. Stella's homework didn't help district her either. Loraine was not home on this day. Aurelia doubted she would be able to help much anyway. "I'm doomed," Aurelia rubbed her face vigorously and

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