1343 Words

The same day after dinner, Aurelia's went over to talk to Loraine. Loraine showed her surprise when Aurelia voiced her concern. "The anniversary party? Why do you need to prepare for it? It's Alex's job." "I just thought it's better to talk to you about it." "Don't worry much about it," Lorain patted her shoulder comfortingly, "Don't forget to give a call ball to your family. They are a part of our family now so we should invite them too." Aurelia didn't want to call back home. She remembered that Rachel and Victor's main purpose of agreeing to Alex'a proposal was so they could use Aurelia to get benefits from him and the huge Weston group behind him. Aurelia didn't think much of it before but now that she has started to think a lot for herself and Alex, she couldn't bring hers

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