1571 Words

That evening Aurelia happily drove to the park with Stella. The driver followed behind them as the two played all evening. It was a happy day to say the least. That night after Aurelia came back home, she was anticipating the time Alex would come back home. However, it got late but Alex didn't come back. In the end she called him to inquire. Alex picked up on the second ring. "Hello? Alex?" Aurelia said. She could hear some music in the background. "Hey baby. I forgot to call you. I am outside for a business matter. I will be late. Have dinner and go to sleep. Don't wait up for me." Aurelia was inexplicably disappointed. "Oh. Okay." They didn't talk much since he was out for work. She was upset that Alex had to work so hard. She was even more upset when she remembered that he

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