Chapter 10: Him

1526 Words

June's Point of View:- The more I looked at the toddler the more I wondered how I am gonna kill him. I know a hundred ways to kill a person but I don't know what I should do with this kid. As I near the boundary I feel a heaviness around me. My stomach churns and suddenly, I am nervous. Calliope starts pacing in my head. What's happening? Is something wrong? 'Calliope?' I ask but she ignores me and continues pacing. 'Bitch.' I internally scowl at her. She is making me miserable. I am at the boundary, conducting surveillance to avoid border petrol when Ben mind links me. 'June, I need backup.' 'Okay.' I command my warriors to break in. Things are going to get bloody now. As soon as I hear my warriors and smell the rusty smell of blood, I decided to change my course. Little Miles does no

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