Chapter 24: Don't Open the Door

1069 Words

Cy's Point of View She kept walking and I kept following her. Soon we reached the cliff, the highest point in our territory. The sight is beautiful. It gives the view of the whole horizon. The sun is slowly rising, the morning breeze welcoming it. She sits there and lowers her head to the ground. Leo goes to her and lies on top of her, caging her body with his. She does not protest this time as he buries his snout in her neck. He balances his weight on top of her. Her wolf fitting perfectly with mine. She closes her eyes and her ears drop, it's a sign that she is feeling relaxed by my wolf's actions. It's like they are cuddling. They stay like this for a long time. The sun slowly comes above the horizon but Leo's snout doesn't move anywhere from the white wolf's neck. She keeps still unde

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