2*It’s Always Going To Be Her*

1485 Words
“Babe! You remember her and what she has been through in her pack? When she found out I’ve accepted you and married you, she tried taking her life because of how tough life is going to be for her now,” Dom chewed the fat, motioning at her and then to an empty space as he hinted about her pack. Gina Geller was an Omega she-wolf from a pack called The Mystic Forces! The pack was best known for their mistreatment towards she-wolves and she cashed it well. Dom was not only friends with me, he had befriended her early on in his life. The two were actually very close because of his grandpa’s friendship with her grandpa. Ever since they found out they were mates, she expected acceptance, but he told her he was in love with me. Since she was an Omega living alone, her pack’s elders wanted to sell her to another elder, probably 65. To keep her safe, somebody has to accept her, but there was nobody who was courageous enough to take her out of her pack without messing with the pack. One would see her as a victim. I did too. I let her stay last time, and she turned my life upside down. Flashback: I could barely open my eyes as somebody had a cable tied around my neck, snuffing the life out of my body. I didn’t even know how it happened, but the person sneaked up behind me and tightened the cable around my neck after looping it. “H-----elp!” I begged in a raspy voice to the empty air. There was nobody around to listen and help me. My eyes were bulging out as the force of the cable made it harder for me to breathe. The area in my sight was beginning to turn into a haze. All I could see was a blur until a familiar face popped visibly. She wandered closer, wearing my Luna Queen diamond crown, and hunched over me. Gina! The she-wolf I kept in my mansion and helped her recover. The she-wolf I treated as my sister even when I was made aware that she was mates with my husband. She fooled me with her tears and forged giggles. “You were never worthy of wearing this, queen. You were never worthy of sleeping with my mate. Look at you! What a fool! I stole everything from you right under your nose and you didn’t question any red flags. The pack needs and deserves someone who is attentive and cunning, just like me,” she had my cheeks cupped in her hands, her sharp, pointy nails piercing through my skin as I struggled to breathe. If she was right in my sight, who was behind me? As she brought her face closer to watch my face and feel triumph, I got a glimpse of the person behind her in the big mirror pendant she was wearing. Though I was no longer able to breathe and my lungs were beginning to swell up, I got a blurred image of the person. His green eyes were all I could see before the lack of oxygen stole my life from me. End Of Flashback: “Ravine!” “Ravine?” I shook my head when I recalled what happened before I woke up again and almost lost my footing. I was wheezing before him as if I was just suffocated to my demise. “Are you alright? I lost you there for a few minutes.” Dom had crawled off the bed and approached me when he found me distracted. My eyesight was still distorted in real time, even when it was just a flashback. Everything straightened itself out. It was my second chance in my life. Soon after I died, I was reborn and sent back in time. “Ravine! You are scaring me.” he grabbed my arms and pulled me over his chest to help me settle down. Even when in his embrace, my eyes were fixated on Gina, who was flaked out in my bed. “Dom!” placing my hands on his chest, I gently pushed him away, “I want her gone! Send her back to her pack.” regaining my posture, I commanded without leaving an option for an argument. “Ravine! We know what she will go through once she is back in her pack.” either he was too concerned about her, or too ignorant of what kind of snake he was asking me to pet. “I will send my guards with her. The pack itself will hear from us. I’m ready to help her as much as I can, but she is not staying here,” I warned him, looking through his blue eyes and thanking the Moon Goddess that the other person was not him. “I don’t know what happened to you, but previously you sai---,” Dom making arguments, compelled me into passing a hostile glare at him and curling my lip. “Okay!” after much thought, he nodded. A smile crept over the corners of my lips once I fathomed how easy it was to avoid all the distress I had to endure before I was brutally murdered. I am sure Dom’s mistreatment in the past was somehow Gina’s doing. With her being gone, we can give our relationship a fair shot. “Thank yo---,” I spoke too soon. Because it seemed like Dom didn’t really appreciate me for not wanting to keep Gina there. “I’ll ask the guards to drop her home,” I added, because somebody has to say it. I didn’t get why he was so upset when I promised she would be fine. “Ah!” that’s when the monster herself woke up. Her little moan and the dramatic stretch were all evidence that she had been awake for a while. She fricking, heard it all and decided to wake up like a beauty. “Dom?” batting her eyelashes and forcing a pout on her lips, she seductively moaned his name. My eyes quickly traveled to Dom, who was silently watching her. “You should have let me die,” she lowered her face, but didn’t mend her shirt. The lower cut of her white shirt was stretched further down until the softness and roundness of her boobs were visible. “Don’t worry! You will be fine,” before my mate could stupidly fall for her sweet, innocent phony ass, I interrupted the moment. “Ravine! I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to ruin your day and moment.” She rolled out of the bed and marched my way. “I’m sorry!” she repeated, standing between Dom and me. I then noticed how see-through her shirt was. The booty shorts she was wearing could hardly cover her ass. Avoiding her apology, I reached for a long coat and offered it to her, “Wear this, or you will catch cold.” She pulled the coat on herself and wore it instantly while my mate was staring into space. “I have prepared some guards for you. The driver and the guards will drop you at home and will stand by for your 24/7 security.” I was the one taking the lead this time. I let go of my responsibilities last time way too quickly and look how it ended for me. I was ridiculed, ignored by my mate, as she seduced him. It all ended with my death, but not this time. “Oh! Okay!” she swirled her face to watch Dom for resistance. “What are you waiting for?” I stepped aside and gestured at her to leave. I bet it shocked her because the last time before my marriage, when we met, I was sweet to her. It was just that she didn’t know I had come back from the future; I'd been reborn to mend where it all went wrong. I watched her taking slow steps out of the room. It was for the better. Now that she was gone, I felt at ease. The danger had still not passed, but at least I was steering clear of one problem. The moment we were left alone, I turned to Dom to cheer him up. It was our mating night; I didn’t want it to turn into a disaster like last time when he stayed with her the whole night and waited for her to wake up. “So---,” I cleared my throat to speak up when he interrupted me. “I’ll personally go with her to make sure she reaches home safely,” without acknowledging how I would feel about my mate abandoning me on my mating night, he left after her. It was then I reckoned; it is not going to be easy to get rid of her.
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