2009 Words

She then said goodnight to the Marquis and left him and the Earl alone. They walked to the grog table and the Earl picked up a glass, waiting for the Marquis to do the same. The Marquis, however, hesitated as he felt he had drunk enough at dinner and actually disliked drinking just before he retired to bed. The Earl sat down in a chair. Deftly the Marquis pushed the drink left for him to one side and picked up an empty glass. There was a large jug of lemonade on the tray and he filled the glass. As he did so, the Earl spoke to him, “I have been wondering, Oliver, just why you never married. I heard tonight the name of yet another beautiful lady you have been with and they never seem, from what I have heard, to last long where you are concerned.” “I have no intention of getting mar

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