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One of his men hurried away, and I wondered why they were in the forest at that time. The king pulled me close to his chest, his voice filled with determination, "You are my mate, my Luna. I will protect you, and all the werewolves will too. Do you understand?" I blinked, wanting assurance, and playfully raised my finger, making a sign for a promise. "Promise me?" I asked childishly. He chuckled softly and intertwined his promise finger with mine, sealing the pact, "I promise you, by my life. I searched for you tirelessly. By the way, do you know my name?" Feeling embarrassed, I shook my head, awkwardly admitting, "No, sorry, my king. I did not even know that you are the king. Sorry... I never had the opportunity to..." He looked at me with sympathy and placed a tender kiss on my uncleaned forehead. "Do not be sorry. You do not need any practice because you will be the queen. All the packs, kingdoms, and even I will protect you." And just like that, I remembered my late father's words, and they spilled out of my mouth without a second thought, "That's what my father, Vidar, said," I muttered. He furrowed his brows and scrutinized me from head to toe, "Your father, Vidar! Then why are you wearing..." He paused, seemingly detecting something suspicious. Out of nowhere, his strong hands lifted me up in a bridal style. I gasped but did not protest. As his arms wrapped around me, a surge of electricity shot through my body. His touch ignited a fire within me, sending a rush of warmth to my cheeks. I could not help but blush, feeling both vulnerable and cherished in his powerful embrace. His eyes locked with mine, and in that moment, the world around us faded away. It was just him and me, bound together by an unspoken connection that seemed to transcend time itself. His words resonated in my heart, and I could not deny the comfort and security I found in his strong arms. "You are so tiny and weak. You will not be able to walk all that distance. I can carry you all the way." With each step he took, my heart raced faster. His closeness sent shivers down my spine, and I clung to him, not wanting this moment to end. I felt like a delicate flower, and the thought of being carried away by him made my pulse quicken. Blushing, I pressed my head against his broad chest, "I am not tiny, my king. You are just very tall and strong." He chuckled, and as he walked, his royal pack followed him. His voice, low and tender, filled the air like a love song. "You are so precious to me," he whispered. I buried my face against his chest, breathing in his intoxicating scent. It was a scent that would forever be imprinted in my memory. In his arms, I felt invincible. As we moved forward, I let go of my doubts and fears. He was my protector, my confidante, and my king. I remained silent, while he conversed with his men about various matters, and I drifted off to sleep for a few minutes. ** In my slumber, I mumbled, "I miss you, daddy. My brothers did not protect me," and tears rolled down my cheeks unconsciously. A warm hand gently wiped away my tears, but I did not wake up. Soon, I heard horns and voices cheering, welcoming the king. It was then that I heard his voice for the first time in my life, "Welcome, King Vidar." However, the joyful noises suddenly turned into total silence as they noticed me in the king's arms. The wise old man, my father's best friend, who had tried to help me for the sake of the kingdom, not just me, attempted to warn the pack that disowning and mistreating me would bring darkness upon the kingdom. But because of his age, no one took him seriously, and they mocked his words. I opened my eyes at the mention of my father's name, murmuring, "Daddy, Vidar. Are you still alive? You did not die?" Then I realized that it was a long nightmare. He was truly gone, and the new king was standing before me. He gently placed me back on my feet and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, saying, "I am King Vidar. A nice coincidence, I suppose." He smiled and kissed my cheeks. As the sound of my brothers' heavy footsteps grew louder, an unsettling fear crept over me like a chilling fog. Instinctively, I sought refuge behind King Vidar. However, my hope was short-lived as Damon, the more aggressive of my brothers, shamelessly seized me, his grip tight and demanding. "What are you doing with King Vidar? Go back to the kitchen now!" he barked, his words laced with contempt. "We'll talk about your escape later, you brat!" My heart pounded in my chest, torn between the newfound comfort of being near the king and the terror of facing my brothers' wrath. I clung to King Vidar's arm, seeking solace and reassurance as I trembled with anxiety. Undeterred, King Vidar stepped forward, his expression unwavering and commanding. His authoritative aura sent a shiver down Damon's spine, but he stubbornly held his ground. King Vidar intervened, pushing Damon away with a commanding force that made him stumble. "Take your dirty hands off my Lya now," he said aggressively. "She stays with me," King Vidar stated firmly, his voice resonating with power and determination. Damon's face contorted with anger and disbelief, but before he could retaliate, the king's fierce gaze silenced him. It was a chilling reminder that he now held the title of Alpha, and his words carried the weight of a ruler. Damon Armor gulped and coughed, trying to regain composure. "Your Lyara? What do you mean, Your Highness?" In that moment, I felt a strange mix of emotions... fear, hope, and a spark of something new blossoming within me. For the first time, someone was standing up for me, asserting my worth and claiming me as his own. I gripped King Vidar's hand tighter, finding comfort in his presence as we faced my brothers together. The king entwined our fingers, looking at Damon and Drew with a raised eyebrow. "She's my mate, my Luna, and soon she will be the queen of all the Alphas."
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