CHAPTER 16:  Harker

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CHAPTER 16: Harker –––––––– Harker was no longer amused. “And why can’t you have s*x with me?” “Because...because you’re Gus. Barker. You’re...well...” Alison waved her hand at him. “You’re you.” “What is wrong with me?” He’d never, ever been treated like this. “I’m a man and I can assure you that although I’m older than you everything works. Exceptionally well.” “ Oh, god. I didn’t mean to insult you.” “I don’t know how it could be taken any other way.” “I’m sure you’re great...fabulous in bed and everything but, it’s just that...” His pride should be eased a bit, but he knew Alison too well. The fatal attack was coming. He had to shut her up before it arrived, or he might have to find someone else to have his child. He leaned forward and clamped his hand over her mouth. His other hand tangled in her hair, holding her still. “Do not say another word.” Her eyes widened, staring into his. “I want you to think. Really think of what you can and will do for millions maybe billions of dollars. Do you understand?” She nodded. “Are you sure? If you go too far and say too much the deal is over. So, think long and hard about what you’re about to say. I know that concept is foreign to you and”—he felt a little better when her eyes narrowed—“you can’t help it that your thoughts spill from your mouth like vomit.” Now her eyes were hurt. He almost felt bad but damn it, she’d butchered his pride numerous times today. She deserved a little payback. “I’m going to let go of you now.” He tightened his hold on her hair for one second. “Think before you speak and if you can’t do that then don’t speak.” He slowly lifted his hand from her face and shifted away from her. She straightened, opened her mouth. Closed it. Opened it again and took a deep breath. “Why can’t we do in vitro? I’ve heard...” She closed her mouth quickly. Because I’m dying to f**k you probably wasn’t the right answer since she so obviously didn’t return the sentiment. “In vitro is for couples who have issues conceiving. I’m not taking it off the table, but I believe we should try the natural method first.” She wrinkled her nose. He wanted to shout, come on. He was a catch. He was rich, successful, in shape and women found him very attractive. He even had several regular arrangements with women at La Petite Mort Club and they weren’t Pleasure Associates. They were rich, attractive, sensual women. “I think we should try in vitro first,” she said. “No.” “Why not? It can’t be the expense. You have more money than you can spend.” “First, I have more than I can spend because I don’t like to waste it and going straight for in vitro is a waste of money.” “But I’d prefer—” He’d better talk fast before she got rolling. “Second, female orgasms increase the likelihood of conception and I doubt you’ll orgasm at the doctor’s office.” “Really? I never heard that.” “It’s theory but the science backs it.” “Oh.” Again her nose wrinkled. “I guess we could try but if it doesn’t work...How often do we have to do it before we opt for in vitro?” “I think we need to suffer through it a few times. A month at least.” “A month? Is that once a day? Once a week?” She sounded so horrified that Harker wasn’t sure his poor d**k would ever stand up to play again. “Perhaps you’re right. This isn’t going to work.” He grabbed the contract. “I’m sorry. You know I say whatever rolls through my head. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” She touched his hand. “I am sorry. I just...I’ve never thought of you like that.” “Like what? A man?” Part of him was done with this but another part wanted to grab her hand and hold it. He’d been dreaming of touching her since she’d brought the pizza to his office for lunch. He’d been fascinated by her energy and chatter from the first day he’d met her but the fact that she’d noticed he hadn’t eaten lunch had twisted his insides. No one ever thought of his comfort unless he paid them to do so. “No. I know you’re a man, but I’ve never thought of you as a man I’d date...or have s*x with. Not because of you but because you’re my boss. I don’t date men I work with. Ever. Especially my boss. As a woman in a man’s field this is something that you can’t do no matter what.” “I can understand that.” It made sense and soothed his pride. “I don’t think you can, not really. You’re a man. If you get a promotion or a raise no one whispers about who you slept with or what you had to do to earn it. Women have to keep everything completely professional all the time.” “Does this mean you’re going to sign the contract?” He turned his hand so hers rested on his palm. It was the closest he’d get to holding her hand until she was his. There were shadows in her eyes, but she nodded. “I guess it does.”
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