CHAPTER 10:  Harker

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CHAPTER 10: Harker –––––––– Harker stared at the spreadsheet he’d compiled of potential mothers. He had no idea how he’d overlooked this. Sometimes he was so focused on a goal that he missed the details. No woman as warm and caring as Alison would abandon her child and he didn’t want a woman who would. He grabbed his jacket and went into the garage. This wasn’t over. Alison was the perfect candidate to be the mother of his child. He hadn’t planned on sharing custody, but he’d concede on this point. All business deals had negotiations. He got into his car and headed for Alison’s house. The more he thought about it the more he realized that it was better this way. He worked a lot. He didn’t want his child growing up in the care of nannies. Sharing custody would mean his child was with his or her parents more than paid caregivers. By the time he pulled into the driveway at Alison’s mother’s house he was almost ready to thank her for being so stubborn. Having the mother share custody would free some of his evenings for amorous pursuits without guilt for leaving his child. Every other week or weekend he could go to La Petite Mort Club and engage in all his fantasies. His life would be perfect. He parked the car and walked to the house, ringing the doorbell. “May I help you?” A woman peeked through a small window at the top of the door. She was older, but not unattractive with brown, wavy hair like her daughter’s. “Hello, Ma’am. I’m Harker. Alison’s boss. I need to speak with her.” The woman opened the door. “Hi, I’m Estelle, Alison’s mother. Please come in.” She stepped aside. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time. Alison talks a lot about her job. I don’t understand most of it, but I can tell she loves working for you.” “She’s a dream employee.” He’d had many dreams about her. Hot, sexy, wet dreams. “She certainly works hard.” There was a hint of chastisement in her tone. “And long hours.” He stepped inside the house. It was tidy but poor—worn drapes and carpet that had once been nice but was now threadbare. Stains on the ceiling signaled a leak—roof or maybe a plumbing issue. Either one worked for him because it meant that Alison definitely needed his money. “She does. We have a lot of work to do.” He glanced at his watch. “May I speak with her?” “She’s not here.” “What do you mean she isn’t here?” Then why the f**k was he in the house? “She left.” “I understand the concept of she’s not here.” Estelle’s face pinched a bit around her lips. “I’m sorry.” He’d been too brusque. He needed to charm this woman. He was already at two strikes–rude and working her daughter long hours. He couldn’t afford another one. “It’s just that I need to speak with her. I want to discuss an offer I made her earlier tonight.” Time to add some pressure to his case. “Did she tell you? It’s quite lucrative.” She wouldn’t have told her mother. From what she’d said, dear mom was a bit old fashioned when it came to premarital s*x. “No, she didn’t. What kind of offer?” “Perhaps I should let Alison tell you. It’s very good news.” “Yes, that’s probably best.” Estelle didn’t sound happy about it. “I wonder why she didn’t mention it,” he said. “She probably forgot.” “Hmm. It’s possible but the offer of a partnership in my business isn’t something that slips one’s mind.” “A partnership?” Estelle’s face brightened. “That’s wonderful. She’s worked so hard for you.” “Yes, she has, and she should be rewarded.” Oh, he’d reward her all right with s*x, lots of it. “That’s wonderful. Oh, where are my manners? Would you like some coffee or tea?” “Thank you. Coffee would be wonderful.” He followed her into the kitchen. “Do you expect Alison home shortly?” “Please, sit.” Estelle motioned to the table and began preparing the coffee. “I really do need to speak with her.” He pulled out a chair and sat. “Have you called her or texted?” “This is better discussed in person.” He’d known Alison long enough to know that right now, she’d ignore his calls and texts. When Estelle looked at him, he added, “There are contracts to sign.” “Oh, of course.” She smiled. “I’m sorry but I don’t know when she’ll be home. She’s on a date.” “Bloody hell. I thought she cancelled that.” He stood. That wasn’t going to happen. She wasn’t having s*x tonight. She wasn’t getting laid until she was in his bed with his d**k inside her. He wasn’t in the mood to wait another month or two to make sure some other man’s sperm hadn’t impregnated her. “Excuse me, Mr. Harker. I don’t appreciate that language.” “Sorry.” He was glad he hadn’t said f**k, or he’d never get her help. “But this is a time sensitive issue.” Yeah, his d**k needed some release. “I need to speak with her tonight.” “I’ll tell her to text you when she gets home. You can come back then.” That wasn’t going to work. “Is there any way you could tell me where she went?” He had no problem interrupting her date. “I won’t bother her for long.” No, he’d convince her to leave. If she was that interested in getting laid, he had no problem whatsoever in going back to his place and f*****g. “I wish I could, but I really don’t know where she went.” “Dam...shoot.” He cringed. He hadn’t said shoot since before his mom had started using drugs and bringing home drug dealers. He’d been dropping the F-bomb since he was eight. “Could you perhaps call her and ask her to come home?” “Why don’t you call her?” She sat the coffee on the table. He patted his pockets. “I forgot my cell phone.” He gave her a sheepish look. “I never remember to grab the da...dang thing.” He never forgot his cell phone and prayed it didn’t decide to beep now. “Hmm. I don’t know. I don’t think she’d answer if I called. She’s been looking forward to this date for a long time. Maybe my sister knows.” She headed into the living room and over to the stairs before hollering, “Tiff come down to the kitchen. Alison’s boss is here, and he needs to speak with her. Do you know where she went on her date?” “I’ll be right there,” yelled another woman. Estelle walked back into the kitchen. She poured another cup of coffee and carried the two mugs to the table. “I hope she can help. She and Alison have always been close.” She took a sip of her coffee. “A young woman can tell her aunt things that she won’t tell her mother.” He had no idea how to respond to that, so he drank some of his coffee. “This is very good.” “Thank you.” A woman walked into the kitchen. She was about the same height and age as Estelle but that was where the resemblance ended. This woman looked nothing like her frumpy sister. Tiff was probably in her late fifties or early sixties, but her hair was dyed blond, and she was thin and dressed in stylish, sexy clothes that hugged her hips and accentuated her breasts. “Mr. Harker, this is Tiff, my sister,” said Estelle. “Mr. Harker. That seems formal,” said Tiff. “Call me Harker.” He stood, shaking her hand. “Harker? No first name?” asked Tiff. “I’m not a fan of it.” “That’s right. Alison did mention that.” Tiff laughed and it was a throaty sound that went straight to his nuts. By the sparkle in her eyes this woman knew exactly what she did to men. “She’s spoken of me?” He didn’t even want to know what she’d said. Alison had a tendency to say whatever passed through her brilliant head and there had been plenty of times that she’d been more than pissed off at him. “All the time,” said both women and then they laughed. “Let me assure you.” He gave them a half-smile. “I’m not as bad as she said.” “Oh, I bet you’re just as bad,” said Tiff with a twinkle in her eyes. “Tiff don’t be rude,” chided Estelle, missing the innuendo. “Do you know where Alison went on her date? Mr. Harker needs to speak with her about a business matter.” “Business?” The humor left Tiff’s eyes. “Would it be the matter that you discussed with her today?” “She told you about the promotion?” asked Estelle. “She didn’t mention it to me.” “You were making dinner,” said Tiff. “Or I’m sure she would’ve.” She gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. He understood. Nothing about that conversation had been or should be revealed to Estelle. He tipped his head and the tension in Tiff’s eyes eased a bit. Now, he had to figure out if Aunt Tiff was a practical woman or a romantic. If she was the first, she’d be an invaluable ally but if she were the latter, he’d better make sure she didn’t get ahold of a knife, or he might find it sticking out of his chest or his groin.
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