CHAPTER 3:  Harker

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CHAPTER 3: Harker –––––––– “A date?” Merri’s eyes widened and she glanced at Harker. “That’s wonderful. Who is he? Where did you meet. This is so exciting. Tell me everything about this mystery man.” Normally, Harker would’ve wanted to wipe that smirk from Merri’s face but today the only thing going through his mind was, Hell no. The future mother of his child was not going out and getting laid by some strange d**k. He’d tie her to his bed before he let that happen. His c**k rose at the thought of Alison restrained, looking up at him, licking those pink lips but his d**k deflated as she began talking. “His name is Randy.” She almost vibrated with excitement. “He finally asked me out. We met online a few weeks ago and we’ve been video chatting. He’s so nice. He’s an architect and shy and...” Alison’s brown eyes sparkled, and her smile was wide and natural. The blood rushed back to his d**k. He’d never noticed how wide her mouth was. Probably because she never smiled like that for him, but she would. He almost groaned as he imagined her on her knees, smiling up at him before she opened that big mouth of hers and swallowed his c**k. “So, you’re looking forward to this date?” Merri gave him an I-told-you-so look. He ignored her and shifted slightly, trying to tamp down his desire. He was forty years old not some teenage boy with no control over his d**k. “Where are the two of you going?” asked Merri. “Nowhere.” He didn’t even flinch as both women fell silent and turned, staring at him. Merri had an amused expression on her face, but Alison was surprised. Too bad. She’d surprised him with the news of this date. He’d thought they’d spent almost every waking moment together for almost a year but apparently, she’d found some time to video chat with some ass-wipe named Randy. “You’re not going on this date.” “Excuse me?” Alison’s tone held a hint of warning. He ignored it. “You heard me.” He put his hand on his computer. “There’s work to do.” “Not for me. I have the weekend off.” “Not any longer.” He wasn’t letting her out of his sight. He wasn’t risking her womb being infiltrated by this other man’s sperm. “We just discussed this. I have the weekend off. You can’t change your mind.” She glanced at Merri for help, but the other woman remained silent, watching them like they were her favorite TV show. “I can. I’m the boss.” He was growing tired of her constant resistance to his authority. “I’ve worked every weekend for the last ten months. I come in early and work late every day. All I do is work.” “I know. You’ve proven that you’re smart and dedicated. You know that when there’s work to be done sacrifices are made. Which is why I’m confused that you still think you’re going on a date tonight.” He almost snarled at the thought of her sitting and chatting with some stranger. The man touching her. Kissing her. f**k, that was so not going to happen. She was his. He’d found her and chosen her. “I’m going because you gave me the weekend off. Which I shouldn’t have had to ask for. It’s the weekend. I’ve already worked over eighty hours this week.” “As have I.” “It’s your company.” “Good. You understand.” He leaned forward. “I’m your boss.” “You’re an ass.” He tipped his head in agreement. “When I have to be.” “Well, Gus—” She leaned toward him. “Don’t call me that.” His words were soft, a warning. “Harker.” Merri’s tone was cautious. She knew him well enough to know he was one whisper away from exploding. “I’m not working this weekend, Gus.” Alison glared at him. She should know better than to push him, but he’d never had to show her this side of him. She’d always obeyed—with a snarky attitude many times but she’d bowed to his demands like a good sub. No, she wasn’t his sub and she’d never be his sub. She was a good employee and soon she’d be a good mother, but that was it. “You are working this weekend and if you call me Gus one more time, I’ll—” “Harker don’t.” Merri stood. “Let’s everyone take a deep breath and we can talk about this like adults.” “There’s nothing to discuss.” He was the boss. He’d made his decision and Alison would just have to deal with it. “On that we agree.” Alison picked up her laptop. “I’ll see you on Monday.” “If you leave, you’re fired.” “Harker.” Merri turned to Alison. “Please give me a minute with him.” Alison nodded and strode out of the room.
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