Chapter 34

1435 Words

Hope's pov The next morning I spoke with Aiden's parents and told them of the conversation I had with my parents. “we were so used to having you with us we are going to miss you " Aiden's mom said “ I wish to stay here longer but I have to leave for all our safety, if I stay here something tells me I will be putting all of you in danger so I have to go" I smiled at her “ we really are going to miss you " Aiden's dad answered “I'm going with you" Aiden put in “ so are we" Sam answered for her and wayne “ guys I can't let you do that " as I was in the middle of answering Twilight cut me off “we will need them let them come with us " “Twilight said you should come with us" I simply said “ when are we leaving “Sam asked “tomorrow "was my answer and everyone left to go packing. I didn

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