Chapter 31

1084 Words

Blue's pov After getting back to my pack I tried to locate Hope with the help of Faith but no matter how much she tried she couldn't find her, I tried to get aunt Vanessa to help but she told me that I had to wait for Hope to come back on her own and if she wanted to be found then Faith should have found her as she is a capable witch but I can't wait anymore, I need Hope by my side, it feels like the more she is not here the more I lose myself and as for Zander, he is getting desperate I feel him going feral little by little. I wish there was something I can do and I know whatever Zander and I are going through is all my fault. I should have treated Hope better mate or not, I should have listened to Zander when he warned me about my behavior but I didn't listen, it took almost losing him

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