Chapter 22

1037 Words

Hope's pov Last night I slept horribly, I tossed and turned all night, even though I wouldn't admit it a part of me was happy Blue had followed me and that part of me also made me hate myself. I didn't want to have feelings for him but I feel drawn to him no matter how much I try to fight it, I've heard how strong the mate bond is but I don't want this bond, for as long as I've known Blue he has never done or said anything nice to me except in front of our parents because he didn't want them to know he hates me. My life had been horrible and people bullied me because of him, I mean the guy rejected me and slept with other girls with our bond not completely severed and now I realize that I could have died if mom hadn't found out. I'm also angry, I'm angry because how can he play with my li

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