Chapter 11

1147 Words
Blue's pov I delayed as much as I could to go to Hope's party, I lied to my parents that some issues had come up here at the elite house and they should go ahead and start without me, I've just got here now as I had to make an appearance and fake smile at her so I could calm the unrest of some of my pack members. You might be wondering why go through all this effort to impress a few omegas, my father believes that you see a man's worth by how he treats those who are under him and you can tell an alpha's worth by how he treats his omega pack members, because of him a lot of packs treated their omegas fairly there are still those few that don't but all the packs allied to us treated everyone with respect including omegas, if omega pack members are to run from my pack as soon as my parents leave, I will loose respect not only of my pack but other packs as well and I will be considered weak, for only a weak alpha finds happiness in tormenting those he vowed to protect. So here l am at the stupid party, I look around as I stepped out of my car and I see lots of lights on the clearing just outside the pack house where the party is being held and the party is in full swing I see people dancing, some talking and laughing, I walk up to my parents “ mother, father I see the party is a great success " I smiled “ it's going to be even better now that their alpha is here" replied my dad “ where is the birthday girl "I asked my mom " I think she went inside, she will be out very soon " my mom replied “I'm going to change quickly and come back so I can make a speech" my mom patted my back and smiled as I left to go inside. As I made my way to the alpha floor, there a few people inside the pack and they greeted me as I took two steps at a time, there was this delicious smell that seemed to be coming from the alpha floor, I couldn't help but rush to it even Zander was excited, the one thing he hasn't been in a long time, I was definitely interested in finding out the source of it. At the alpha floor I saw a girl in a dress with different shades of red, I think she was fixing her shoes and her firery red hair covered her face. The alluring scent was coming from her, my legs moved of their own free will as I made my way to her and pulled her to stand and I was caught in the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen and just like that the words I dreaded came out of my mouth “mate" Zander howled with joy in my head. The girl I was still holding by her shoulders whimpered and looked down, I gently cupped her chin to look at her and couldn't believe it, it was Hope. Without thinking much about it I pushed her to the nearest wall “I Blue Night Alpha of Red Cresent moon pack hereby reject you Hope Andrews as my mate and Luna " I let go as a wave of pain hit me. She ran in the direction of her room and here am I couldn't even walk, Zander let out a growl of anger and then wimpered as he went to to the back of my head, he didn't even say anything. Hope's pov I thought I would hate this party but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I was mostly with my friends and we danced and talked, it was also a bonus that Blue got caught up with something at the elite house at least I don't have to be forced to be in his presence as he fakes being a good brother. “I need to go and get rid of these heels they are killing me "I said as I massage my feet. “yeah I think I should do that too" replied Faith “you should have worn flats to begin with "taunted Vicky “yeah yeah whatever, you are not a girl so what do you know" faith shoved her brother Vicky as we both stood up as we had been sitting on one of the tables. We took the lift and Faith got off on the beta floor as it made way to the alpha floor. A few steps after I got out of the lift I broke a heel “stupid shoes" I muttered to myself as I bent down to remove them. Since the beginning of the day I've been overwhelmed by different scents as I'm not used to such strong sense of smell but right now there is one scent that is surrounding me, l can't smell anything else it smells like fresh rain mixed with vanilla, how I know that I'm not sure but it's the most beautiful scent I have ever smelled. I'm so caught up with the smell that I'm just still bending but I haven't removed my shoes yet. The scent got stronger and stronger until suddenly I was standing, someone had pulled me by my shoulders, whoever this person is, they are the one with the delicious scent and the most beautiful blue eyes. The eyes are so blue it's like looking in the sea, one thing is for sure I'm getting lost in these eyes. Then the one thing I never thought I would hear but wanted it all the same was spoken “mate " I was this person's mate but wait I think I know this voice, no it can't be, he can't be my mate. I was so scared that if I looked my fears will be confirmed and what if I looked and it's him, I couldn't help the whimper that came out of my mouth as I looked down. He gently cupped my chin as he lifted my head and just like that the magic was gone he pushed to the wall in anger and again something I never expected was said “I Blue Night alpha of Red Cresent moon pack hereby reject you Hope Andrews as my mate and Luna " Blue rejected me and the most unimaginable pain hit my chest, I felt like fainting but there was no way I was going to show my pain here and show him how much he broke me so I ran for my room with my broken shoe still on, if it wasn't painful I'm sure it would have been a funny scene
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