The day wears on. Trin refuses to think about where it is Gerrick might be at this particular moment, because then Blain wins. His brother wants to fill him with doubt and it’s just not going to work. The gunner may very well have a boy in every damn outpost between here and the coast but in Arens? Trin is sure that boy is him. All he has to do is be more than all the others, no problem. f**k better, let Gerrick have his space, keep the door unlocked no matter how late he comes to him, and he’ll win out in the end. What will Blain and Aissa say then? When the gunner is eating out of his hand and practically flying over the runs to get back to him? He won’t admit that the gunner’s disappearance bothers him. The man is busy, is all, has a hundred things to take care of before he rolls out.