1520 Words

Alpha King Dimitrio. The woodland path is overgrown with ferns and roots but they bow in deference as I press forward. I clench my teeth in anger when I realize I left my shirt at the edge of the shore. It’s not just the shirt that’s pissing me off, it’s everything about tonight. We have been walking for fifteen minutes after the uproar led by Mureok’s men. By the grimace on my face, anyone can tell that I am getting more and more pissed by the second. I am not worried about those ants. My men will make them submit in a matter of hours. I am only tuning back because if I were to face them, I would be so irked to anger that I might wipe them off in a f*****g second. I sniff, clenching my fist and doing everything in my power to not turn back and kill them all. I am trying to portray myse

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