13: The Claiming R18+

1735 Words

"Bel, I would much rather be Claimed by you, and spend all of eternity with you, loving you, fighting with you and getting on each others nerves, than with some person I've never even met that I have no feelings for.  Bel.."  She splayed her fingers across his chest.  "You've shown me several of your Forms, and have saved my life probably more times than I know.  But through it all, there's one thing I can't deny.  The heart that beats here is always the same.  Even when you're driving me crazy.  Bel I.. think I've loved you since I was a little girl.."  Emma was suddenly sure she had been aware of Bel during her childhood.  Not as she was are of him now, but there was a nagging feeling she had memories of him from before... "Bel, you used to talk to me, didn't you?"  Emma asked suddenly

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