Chapter 3-01

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Chapter 3-01Unlocking the door to my apartment, fatigued I let out a deep sigh stepping inside switching on the lights to my beautiful condo. My home. Locking back up dropping my tote Chanel bag on the table walking farther in my home with an aim towards the fridge, pulling it open my eyes scans for something to quench the undying hunger and thirst. Luckily, I found leftover chicken breast and salad and my favorite red wine. Shrugging my jacket off placing it on the counter moving to the microwave heating up my dinner an exhausting sigh falls out of my lips again groaning this time cranking my neck to the sides before loosing the scarf on my neck letting it fall free. Ding* Moving my food to the island fixing my butt on a stool, I began eating all the same checking my emails and bookings trying to not think of the Russian killer who was in my office; well successfully I pushed him at the back of my head eating without any thought or imagines, cleaned the dishes and moved to the room taking off my clothes till I got in the shower naked; or so I thought. As the water falls down on me, cascading down my hair to my feet, he came back like a bug you can't get rid of. I could see those sharp green eyes calling me, drawing me in a deep trance, beckoning for my answer that I couldn't help but answer. Slowly my hands washing my body begins to trail of its own accord doing things I never thought I would do. It was like I could feel his breath behind my ear, his fingers grips my hair, his lips on my wet skin, his hands running along with the water pouring down but very sensual. Letting out a soft mewl, I allow my imagination lead me on as his hands came to my breasts caressing them like a beautiful piece of art, he moans pulling my back against him with his bulge poking my luscious ass. I cried arching my back one of his hands trails down to my pussylips rubbing my clit, moaning throwing my head back against his shoulder, he whispers something I couldn't make out maybe because I was too engrossed in the feel of his hand rubbing my clit or too good the sensation I got. Spreading my lips wider, two fingers dip deeper and full making its way inside me. I scream out. "Flower." He whispers. In shock, my eyes snaps open turning off the shower head off breathing erratically looking about the bathroom for any sign that wasn't real just to be met with myself and the steaming bathroom. Quickly, I rush out in fear that I may repeat the action once again; I can't believe I touched myself in the shower thinking of a stranger who is my client, never have both happened to me at the same time frame. What is wrong with me? This man is dangerous, loves the crazy s**t of life but still yet, my body hums alive for him. I want him more than anything else and it kills me that few hours without him I'm already a wreck. His crooked smirk, those green eyes playing with the senses of my brain. I'm supposed to be the smart one here, the adult, to understand no fraternising with a client because it puts my career and success in the line. He is like a drug that I'm slowly getting addicted too; maybe, just maybe if I end up f*****g him what are the odds I won't want more because I do. And I know men like him does not love but f**k and dump. So what are the odds I can hold him down for my selfish horny mind. Rosie, I think five years of abstinence is making you act crazy, irrational even. What scares me most is that that's not it; It is rather the reality I want this man like my next breath. *** Alarm blares* Groaning, my hand search for the device on the bedside table even as I'm heavily drowsed in sleep, hitting the machine once found as it stops blaring. 7:00 am. It reads. Yawning, I stretch in a very funny way that if Gina sees me I won't hear the end of it. Laughing at the image of her scolding me, I fixed my feet in my fluffy Fendi slippers sauntering to my closet humming a tune, dancing I search for the perfect dress finding a black gown which clings to my curvy form, singing out now sliding to the shoe aisle searching for the perfect shoes till I find a peep toe strap heel which makes my straight legs seem longer. Flinging the items on the bed I went for a quick shower coming out shortly refresh and ready for the day. Sitting in front of the vanity mirror styling my hair into a tight ponytail with tendrils framing my face I snatch my bag from the table walking out of my apartment in high spirit. Tapping the wheels of my Bentley 2019 matte black, I couldn't be more happier pulling in front of my office building. Stepping out, it's not that hard to see the way New York men eyed me lustfully as I climb down of my car walking up the stairs; school boys who drives skateboard blowing me kisses, chuckling amused I throw them a wink strutting past the glass doors and into the building. I wasn't one to hastily walk because I'm my own boss, a successful one at that, no brags. Sashaying is what I do best, sauntering into the building, my gown causing very serious commotion to my audience who paused to take a deep breath looking at the sway of my hips, my s*x on feet shoes and my polite smile. Damn! It feels good to know you're beautiful. Greeting my secretary once I got to my office. A smile on my face. "Hello Jeanine." "Morning Miss Reyes." She replies smiling rushing behind me with her pad like she usually does whenever I get to my office. "Do I have any call? Meetings?" "Yes miss Reyes. Your 8:00 is waiting for you in your office." Smiling. "Ahh, the lovely Mrs Crawford. I perceive a huge progress." Winking at her which she giggles mouthing a joyous yes pumping the air. I laugh out. "I forwarded all your calls to your office phone and you have a 12:00 pm and 2:00pm." She continues getting to a pause at my door. "Thanks Jeanine. You're a life saver." Pulling the door open. "Mrs Crawford, looking good this morning. What's the secret?" Saying jocular seeing the older Hispanic woman sit up kissing my both cheeks. "Guess I owe it to my therapist." And my day began with her gracious news about the progress of her quitting her addiction and how much closer it has brought she and her husband together. I couldn't be more happier. Going through my emails till I got distracted by a phonecall. "Miss Reyes, you have a call on the other line." Jeanine says shortly. "Thank you Jeanine." Hanging up switching the line. "Hello?" "Hi Rosie." Shocked. "Bryan!" Twice in twenty-four hours. "What can I do for you today?" Being polite. I could picture the smirk on his face that screams perfect but it just isn't like that of my psycho Russian. Oh my God! Did I just say that? "Just want to treat a lady to lunch." He finishes having my brows scrunch. "Lunch?" Looking at the clock to see it's exactly 1:30pm. Time really fondly when you don't pay much attention to it. "Oh my! How time flies." He chuckles. "So are you busy? Can I see you?" "Uhhhmmm." Drawling. At the verge of refusal. "Please Rosie." I want to say no but I don't have the heart to reject his invite and I don't want it to seem like I still harbor ills feeling due to our past because I don't. I am done and over with the past and I believe it should stay that way. As the past.
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