Chapter Thirty-Five: Sleepless Nights

921 Words

Catherine I threw my phone down on the bed in disgust. Disgust with myself, disgust at the whole damn situation My sister was pregnant, and that should be joyful news. But my sister’s baby daddy was my fated mate. I couldn’t help but think if she hadn’t stepped in to try and “save” me from an arrangement, I would now be happily marked by my fated mate, and I would be the one happily announcing my pregnancy. Shit, that was all kinds of messed up. I couldn’t be angry at my sister. She didn’t ask for any of this. And yet, a part of me was feeling very ugly and resentful…and jealous. F.uck I didn’t want to feel like that, and Cessy sure as hell didn’t deserve it. She was only trying to do the right thing and protect me. I flopped back on my pillows and stared up at the lacy, gi

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