Day 14: Where she face her insecurities

4377 Words

Day fourteen. Where she faces her insecurities.  March 19. {third person's point of view} :beep: /sfx     A groan was released from Tami's mouth as soon as she heard the ring that was coming from her phone.     For all the things that she hated most, no one can top the annoying sound of alarms. They are nothing but menace and if they didn't help much - she would have cursed the whole idea of it. Then again, she is the person who is to blame here.      No alarm would ignite if she didn't set one. She shifted her body to the side as she was practically pulling the sheets to cover her body. The whole place was too cold than she remembered it too be, and that fact just wants her to snuggle at her bed for the rest of her life. Slowly, her eyes start to close—but then, as if mocking her,

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