3243 Words

CHAPTER SEVEN Caleb was wrong about Becca. Wrong about her motives. Wrong about her past. He loosened his tie. He’d misjudged her. Completely. What Becca had said about struggling after leaving prison matched the private investigator’s report. She’d admitted her father spent time in jail, too. Her education and experience wouldn’t give her the knowledge to pull off a big financial scam. However, he didn’t deny the possibility of a smaller scale theft, so he would keep an eye on her. Caleb glanced up from Becca’s business plan. In her teal suit, standing by one of his bookcases, she looked like a consultant. Professional. Knowledgeable. A world apart from who he’d met in his grandmother’s backyard. But whether dressed to the nines or in bright orange prison garb, she was the same wom

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