2714 Words

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Later that night at an Italian cafe in downtown Boise, Becca sat across from Caleb. “Thanks for inviting me out to dinner. I didn’t expect to see you this week.” “Sorry for it being last minute, but I’m glad you were available.” She was, too. A date with Caleb was the best way to spend a Friday evening. “Well, you made it a tough choice—go out with you or get ready for the dog show tomorrow.” He glanced up from his menu. “Thanks for choosing me.” The romantic tune played by her heartstrings matched the violin music in the restaurant. Romantic, indeed, with a lit candle stuck into a wax-covered bottle of Chianti. A single red rosebud sat in a small glass vase, looking so perfect she’d wondered if the flower were real. One sniff of the sweet fragrance answered that ques

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