2174 Words

CHAPTER TEN Why am I here? Caleb glanced around the fairgrounds in Redmond, Oregon. White-fenced outdoor show rings, dogs of every color and size, bright sunshine, and green grass. Even though it was a Saturday, he should be at work today, not attending a dog show. But Grams had told him that showing the dogs and passing out samples of their products had exhausted Becca, and she still had two more days to go. His grandmother had begged him to fly to Redmond so she wouldn’t miss her friend’s birthday party. And here he was. Sucker. And Caleb admitted that. He was responsible for so much already, but now it appeared he needed to look out for his grandmother’s dog consultant, too. Yes, he could have said no to Grams. He also could have sent someone else, but he’d wanted to see Becca.

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