Table of Contents

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Table of ContentsMap of Parsina Chapter 1: The Lovers Chapter 2: The Wizard’s Preparations Chapter 3: The Coronation Chapter 4: The Empire of Evil Chapter 5: The Storm Chapter 6: The Emissary Chapter 7: The Mysterious Island Chapter 8: The Copper Castle Chapter 9: The Midnight Meeting Chapter 10: The Djinn Garden Chapter 11: The High Priest’s Defiance Chapter 12: The Truce Chapter 13: The City of Faces Chapter 14: The Gathering of the East Chapter 15: The Flying Horse Chapter 16; The Exodus Chapter 17: The Dragon Daeva Chapter 18: The Betrayal Chapter 19: The Parting of the Paths Chapter 20: The Wizard’s Triumph Chapter 21: The Battle of the Leewahr Plains Chapter 22: The Crystal of Oromasd Chapter 23: The Shahanshah Glossary The Parsine Pantheon The Good Deities The Evil Deities The Djinni About Stephen Goldin Other Books by Stephen Goldin Free Ebook Connect with Stephen Goldin This book is dedicated to Mary, with all my love… because it’s what you do
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