Chapter 11 Stalking

692 Words

After that day, I tried so many ways to be near to Charter, investigating if she seduced other’s husband. Jennie asked me several times but I avoided answering directly or said something nobody understood. I did not know anything about her yet. How could I do it? Besides, I was a rookie in love, it was top hard to make her in love with me. All things come to those who wait, when I had no way out, an opportunity to be near her came to me itself. I was supposed to meet Jennie in Resplendent at that night, but when I walked out the gate, I saw Charter passing in front of me. It was almost midnight, I jumped out the window in my dormitory on the 2nd floor. This late of day, she was supposed to be asleep or at least at home. How come she wandered alone on street? I made a decision right aw

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