The black rose

935 Words
he next morning arises, declaring the new opportunities, new struggles and new ideas. A loud bang on her wooden door made her flinch in her sleep. Her aunt Sophie banged her room door. To wake her up for the school. It was around 8 and the time was already past 7 : 30 am! Hazel flinched again and groaned. "Wake up Hazel, are not you going to school?" Asked her aunt. Her mother's step sister. Who was a godmother to Hazel. She took care of her when the who world denied to take down her responsibilities as a child. Sophie looked around for all her expenses, her school fees, her daily expenses and everything. Sophie was a single lady with her own bakery, cafe and a small bookstore owned by her. She was too delicately working hard for her niece. She cared less about the society. Being in her early thirties she managed to look like a model. She had an hour glass figure. Enough to get man down on their knees. "I am up soph!" She says rubbing her eyes. Being mentally exhausted, Hazel hopes down the bed. As she goes to washroom and does her morning routine. Her aunt grabs some eggs and juice for her breakfast. Making up her tie, she glances at her reflection in the room. She has a medium sized room with no too much decorations, but has a cozy bed with white furnishings all around. Hazel loved the colour white. Brushing her hair, getting them into a high pony. She grabs her phone and her school bag, rushing downstairs. "Good morning Soph" she says in a very dull voice. Yesterday's lose was still hangover her. Making her feel like a loser. She was more tired mentally than physically. "What's wrong Hazel? This is all a phase of life" encouraged her aunt. Hazel passed a small smile making her smile. "Alright, shall I drop you?" She asked to cheer her up. Hazel being Hazel, gave a small nod. Her love language was to get things quietly. Her aunt smiles and positivity smiles. After done with breakfast. Hazel got her bagpack on her shoulder. As her aunt gets her car from the garage, she bites her lower lip, her eyes falls on a an elderly couple. Her mind went back to her parents memories. Her chest tightened at the scene, those nostalgic feelings made her inhale a deep breath. Again her eyes turned moist. The loud horn pulled her back to her senses. She flinched and quickly got down into tge passenger seats. Her aunt thought to give her some privacy. Hazel sniffed and looked out of the tainted window. Within a ride of straight 10 mins. She hoped down the school, mumbling a bye to her aunt. Walking to the straight corridor. She met various stares that made her, knitted her eyes in confusion. Holding her bag straps tightly. Hazel unlocked her school locker and was met with an unexpected sight: a black rose, its petals a dark, velvety hue that seemed almost ominous in the stark fluorescent light of the hallway. Attached to the stem was a small sticky note, its bright yellow color standing out against the dark flower. The note read, "15 days left dumbo!" with a winking face drawn next to the words. Hazel's heart sank as she stared at the note. Around her, the giggles and whispers of her classmates quickly turned into outright laughter. The hall was filled with mocking voices and the clatter of locker doors slamming shut as students hurried to get a look at the spectacle. Hazel's face burned with humiliation, and she could feel the eyes of her peers drilling into her back. "Did you see what Ace did?" one girl whispered loudly to her friend. "He left a black rose in her locker! Can you believe it?" "It's all over the school now," another voice chimed in. "Everyone's talking about it. Poor Hazel!" Trying to maintain her composure, Hazel carefully removed the rose and the note from her locker. Her fingers trembled as she read the message again, trying to make sense of it. Ace had always been the school's golden boy—handsome, charming, and the star of the basketball team. He was the last person she expected to pull a stunt like this. "Hey, Hazel, looks like your secret admirer is sending you flowers now!" a girl called out, her voice dripping with sarcasm. More laughter erupted around her, and Hazel felt a lump forming in her throat. She took a deep breath and closed her locker door with a loud clang, trying to drown out the noise of her tormentors. She didn't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry. With her head held high, she walked down the hall, clutching the black rose and the note tightly in her hand. She needed to find a place where she could think, away from the prying eyes and hurtful comments. In the school library, Hazel found a quiet corner and sank into a chair. She stared at the rose, its beauty marred by the cruel message it carried. Who would do something like this? And why 15 days? Her mind raced with questions, but no answers came. As she sat there, lost in thought, Hazel resolved to find out who was behind this cruel prank. She wouldn't let them get the best of her. No matter what happened in the next 15 days, she would face it head-on. She wasn't a "dumbo"—she was stronger than they knew. And she would prove it.
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